
Sep 15, 2006 17:27

Doesn't get much better than this. I just love curling up alone on my sofa alone with the rain pouring outside and putting on my Supernatural DVDs.
I love that cold 'n' rainy feel some episodes have; like 'Faith'. I just watched that and 'Scarecrow'. I felt all nice and cozy.

It's so nice to just enjoy the show for a while... Like I love Meg's little eye-roll when the last shady dude in a van. Poor idiot. And then she pokes his dead body. ::G::
And John (or at least his voice) in both... Love.

Best part is, no parents coming home to interrupt. They're off at the beach. I am in no way envious: they're with parts of my mom's family and I'm home with just my dear brother. And my SN and my bunnies. Perfect to me. And they'll be bringing me back a T-shirt and shot glass.

Brother is off to driving class, so I'll be watchin' a couple more soon. Don't know when he'll be back, but we'll be having wings and watching Pretender together...until he runs off to call his best friend and I go back to Supernatural.

Happy, happy day.
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