(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 00:08

So this is going to be a rather jumpy post, sorry... I'm actually going to post twice: one to get this insane stuff out of my head, and one for a reason.
Nutty things first, other thing tomorrow, I guess.

My brother and I were watching The Brothers Grimm tonight. I started out laughing at how dumb it looked, but by the end I was kind of in love. Then I saw who directed it and a LOT of things made more sense.
Yes, I was thinking about Sam and Dean--and even Connor and Murphy--the whole way through. At the end, though, I was kinda liking these guys on their own. As if I needed another pair of brothers to gen* or slash. Oy. I could list them all, man... In descending order, starting with my favorite: Murphy/Connor, Sam&Dean (and Sam/Dean), Elladan/Elrohir, Don/Charlie. I'm sure there are more, actually. And there's my brother/sister OTP, but that's canon, no fic allowed and of course not brotherly. I probably won't ever have a non-canon brother/sister 'ship. These two are my One True Exception, and only 'cause my love for Jaime is so far beyond...well, almost every character from any movie, tv show or other book. It's beyond reason, which I usually have. Personally, he sure kicks the ass of everyone here, one hand tied behind his back. (--my god, that's just mean! The man's only got the one!)

But I have a point! Here it is: I keep watching fantasy promos for SN in my head. Little shots and scenes flashing past...and Grimm made me realize what they were missing. --They did this to John and Aeryn in Farscape, too. The two characters are forced to point their weapons at each other (sometimes leading to a little shooting/stabbing). It could very well happen on Supernatural--I mean, Sam's always pointing guns at family, why can't they point back? ;-P
Really, I want to see that. It'd even make a great promo pic. And the angst. Always need more of that.
...Maybe a bit of stake-burning, too. That always goes good with siblings. River and Simon, anyone? (Hah! I knew I was missing something--my gen brother&sister pair!)

But seriously, I want to be looking forward to the new season. All the great blood and angst and Winchesters, Werewolves, Witches, and whatever the fuck else they come up with. And maybe it's cause of JDM's uncertain commitment level, but I'm just not. Not much, anyway. (And maybe that has something to do with my being more than usually lazy about my JDM scrapbook submissions. I will do that anyway, since it's more for people than the actor or show.)
Maybe it's better that way, taking a little time off, or at least loving some other things more. Easier to pass the time, for one. I wanted to get fic writing and such done this summer, but maybe I should fool around in other fandoms a bit. Maybe I'd like to...but things are all so fickle, and I've got the re-runs every week with my mom, so I can't have my hiatus-usual moratorium on episode watching.

Funny, I'm getting done with my posting hiatus and now thinking on taking the same for the show. It's not really that likely, though. I love my show...and well there's the stuff I've got for my next post to think of.


And this little pet peeve of mine needs sayin'. Fanmixes. I love 'em. I love them so much I'm willing to go through the songs and number the files so they play in order. But I can't help but think that I shouldn't have to. So many mixers do it just fine, why should I have to pick up the slack for them that don't? /Firefly speak.


*"Gen" isn't usually a verb is it? Is now for this post, I guess.

Edit: I'm downloading a vid with the file name "sam's journey" and the manager thing just said "sam's journey.wmv 58% completed". I just find that very funny. Uh-oh, now Sam's journey is completed! That's it, it's all over, folks!


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