Dead Man's Blood (more squee and picspam!)

Apr 22, 2006 13:43

First of all, it is fucking depressing where I live today. Friggin' cold and wet...doesn't help that I didn't sleep all that well.
I could use a real pick-me-up. I mean it, if you know some funny fic or something...anything, give it here. I may just go hit my punching bag and eat enough sugar to make me into a total hyper freak. That's always fun.

Until then, some more DMB squee. Well, squee and...other thoughts. Just stuff I forgot about yesterday, but with caps. Lots of, so I don't have to talk as much. And 'cause they're pretty. So very pretty.
Don't click if your computer ain't speedy, it's a big post.

Caps are all by marishna.

Wow, just uploading those pics made me oddly happier. Good god. I really love my show.

Okay, I don't know how many people are going to know what the hell I'm talking about...but there are these beer adds, and I SWEAR those blood marks look JUST like the thing on the add. See, people are doing things like splashing paint and stuff, and it all comes out looking sorrta like a crown... Doesn't make me wanna drink beer, but I thought of it when I saw this. It's like Blue Sun--a conspiracy, I tell you!
Yeah, and how many people know what Blue Sun is? Great now I'm talking to myself. And I never listen. Back to the show.

I loved this little bit. They're so hot when they're sleeping. 'Cause it's just so soldier-like. Sleeping dressed, on their backs, on top of the sheets. Better believe they learned to sleep like that as kids. I know I couldn't do that without being dead tired.

...and then we have John watching over them and brooding. Dude, I love him.

Best. Fight. Ever. I'm just sayin'. Best ever.

"You were the one who told me to stay gone!" Sam kinda killed me in that second part of the fight, when they actually get to what they're really fighting about. It must have really hurt him (as it would anyone) to hear that. And you can just hear it in his voice.

(I'd just like to take a moment to be fucking happy that lj saves drafts when you're making a post. Damn power flashed off just long enough to re-start my computer. Goddamn it. But I didn't lose anything.)

Sam isn't the only one with the angst going on here. They were both just so wonderful in that scene, it's worth going on about.

Can this be my show? Like, most of the time? The three hunters, the Winchester family. And in friggin' daylight so we can see 'em, no less.

If I wasn't in love with John fuckinghot Winchester before...

And...guh. There are no words. I love Dean's trunk, I do. But, MAN, John's is shiny. I mean that word in every way. Guns, knives, holy water, throwing-stars (can we see him use those, please?), crosses, MORE guns and knives. *is dead*

It's for the vamps! He's not compensating for anything! The show just needed a little MORE phallic imagery, that's all. (And I'm not making any jokes about single-barreled pump-action shotguns. ...Unless that counts right there.)

God, look a the poor worried boys. If he'd taken about one more second, I bet they'd have run right back in there. Goes nicly with what Dean says later to John, you know, "What if you die?"

Sam looks just shocked that his dad's saying what he's saying. And, boy, does he need to hear it.

Look at the LOVE in that man's face. Dude.

Oy, The Smile. Sammy's the one with the smile that lights up the room, man.

And proof that John, too, should smile more. *loves*

When I saw this shot, all I could think of was what Dean said about John wanting to be alone so he could be more reckless. Is it just me, or do John's eyes just light up when he knows it's all about to go down? (Maybe that's the wrong phrase when he's got lights actually on his eyes, but you know what I mean.) This guy has a little kamikaze in him, maybe? What he said about not planning on coming out of all this in one piece.... Or maybe he was just really excited to get that Colt. I say both.

Ahh, Knocked-out Papa Winchester! He better keep those boys around if he's going to keep getting tossed around and bloodied up. What the hell does he do when they aren't around? Get's his ass nearly kill all the time, I don't doubt.

Dean needs more love this week, and WOW look at the hot!

Poor Sammy, always with the choking. And I'd like to point out that this is one of the very few times on TV where the person being held actually can't speak. Having been in a strong headlock myself (for training only) I can say that you really can't do more than he does.

It's John to the rescue. As I said before, I'm glad we get to see the gun used--and having John use it to save one of his boys is really the only reason why he'd spend a bullet. John looks so sure of himself here, sure of his aim and sure it's going to work.

Then Sam's free, Dean grabs him and pushes him behind himself. And it's a whole new scene in a way--it's now just about all of them watching what this weapon DOES...'s a very heavy moment. Gets those looks on the guy's faces, and makes the rest of the vamps just run. Look a John--like rapture.

We come to the end...

Here's John, facing his boys calmly and reasonably as he pretty much tells them that they're right...and Sam and Dean looking all intense as they hear him.
Overall, Sam and John are so fucking stubborn in the heat of the moment, when they're being challenged--but later when it's all calm they can actually talk on their own terms without blowing up. It's Dean's job, poor guy, too keep them from killing each other till then.

Look at the shiny love and hope in that boy's eyes. Love that shot.

And the same look for Dean. Love love love.

John ends the episode, leaving me even more in love with all three of them and just the show.

Which leads me, my TOTALLY-no-promos-even spoiler-free self, to wonder about next week. Or, really, to whine about what I wanna see. Like Sam telling John about the dreams and the furniture-moving fun of this season. Showing that could be better than a previously-on clip at catching up the new people. And I just wanna see it. I dunno, maybe because so many people seem think John might have the same kinda thing. I don't, but I wanna see to be sure.

Okay, that really made my mood go all happyhappyjoyjoy. Was fun, I should do it more.

episodes, picspams

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