I'm currently sitting in front of my apartment on concrete stairs looking at a concrete parking lot. *bleh!*
Only 24 more days until I'll be sitting on my 3rd story balcony over looking three beautiful lakes with the warm summer breeze coursing through every corner of my lovely new apartment. I am so ready. I checked out of this place the minute we put down the deposit! ^_^
Lately, living day-to-day is all I can do to keep myself sane. Going from having a concrete plan to not knowing what the future holds is quite nerve-wracking [and exciting], though I would feel much better about it if I didn't have such massive debt looming over my head that I can't pay. >_<
I had such a wonderful weekend! Saturday morning was spent with my favorite boy and a groovy new friend touring downtown by way of our bikes. It had literally been about fifteen years since I last rode a bicycle. [spin class doesn't count! ^_-] We met up with Lauren at Highland Coffee where Joseph treated me to my favorite iced chai latte while Lauren blessed our ears with her beautiful voice and we all mellowed out to some Iron & Wine from her guitar before hitting the pavement. Next we stopped at the Farmers' Market for some much needed breakfast fuel and just toddled around looking at all the yummy goodies before heading back out.
While wheeling through Spanish Town, we stumbled upon a garage sale, which Lauren and I HAD to check out. The boy scored a bunch of groovy books and I walked away with these babies:
All for $5!!! Gotta love it! ♥ [please excuse the crappy Sidekick camera >_<]
Six hours in the BLAZING sun [it topped out at 104 degrees that day] and we were thoroughly spent! Poor hubby had to go to work that night, but I, thankfully, was able to recoup by the pool and work on evening out the crazy farmers tan I got earlier that day. Haha!
The majority of Sunday was spent by the pool [as are most days, lately ^_^], but I did manage to purge quite a bit of CRAP in the packing process. I am determined to make it into that new apartment with a bare minimum. Clutter weighs my spirit down. It's very difficult, though, when you don't have enough space for the things you need because, then - everything feels like cutter. I am looking forward most to our new "studio/office"! Finally being able to have my tools at my fingertips instead of tucked away in a closet is going to be so good for me. ♥
I've been dying to create so many things recently, and one of my library treasures is so inspiring that I sometimes avoid reading it because I can't keep up with all the new ideas!! Hah!
"We ache to touch intimately what is real, to find the marriage of meaning and matter in our lives and in the world. We ache to feel and express the fire of being fully alive. When we cultivate and refuse to separate those essential expressions of human soul -- our spirituality, sexuality, and creativity -- we feed the fire of our being, we find that place where the soul and the sensuous meet, we unfold. Willing to do our creative work and refusing to separate it from our sexuality or our spirituality, we add a life-sustaining breath to the world."
- Oriah Mountain Dreamer from What We Ache For
Sunday evening was a bit of a flub, but it wasn't too bad. The plan was for Joseph and I to pack a picnic then head over to Arsenal Park to have dinner and I also wanted to test out my camera's long range capabilities since there some high points over there. [hey, this is southern Louisiana... I take what I can get in terms of altitude. lol] As it turns out, my camera is a piece of crap. Haha! And we were run off of our picnic hill by a hungry nutria. Hahaha! Only in Louisiana. I swear.
So since I have no beautiful pictures of my own, I'll share what I've been drooling over lately.
Happy Hump Day!
www.coralvonzumwalt.com She is amazing.