It started well enough, like any other school day, but as it turned out my instructor was a no-show [yet again...]. Now, usually Brittany calls me to let me know of such instances so that I don't drive 90 miles out there for nothing, but she didn't call me today because, being that she is a student ambassador, she had to usher around the high school students that were visiting the campus today. Now, the kicker is that because there was no instructor to present for our department, she had to do it! Needless to say she had her hands full with the little ones, so I wasn't upset that she didn't give me a heads up.
She finished up with the presentations around noon so she and I decided to bail the rest of the day and went to Heather's place in Madisonville. We picked up some cheap wine and cloves on the way over and that was that! It was such a nice [random] Tuesday afternoon. Now, I'll admit, I was quite toasted. It's been a while since I've had a drink. We had a good time though. Heather is a really sweet girl with some really really sweet kitties. ^__^ I have such a soft spot for the felines, so I was making friends with all of them. She told Brittany that when I left, Speck followed me to the door and stayed there, waiting for me to come back and play with him! >_< That warmed me right up.
Brittany also informed me that she is now the Editor-in-Chief of the recently established Tech Gazette [established by her, might I add]. I swear, that girl is all about making a change where ever she goes. Right on, Brit! Anyway, our premier issue is to come out at the beginning of next semester. My immediate thought, of course, was... newspapers need photographers!!! She was so already on it. The regional director already told her that all of the equipment is at her disposal, so I am beyond thrilled! I have been dying to get my hands on a camera again. I've been too damn broke to even buy film for my own cameras, so needless to say, it's been a while. This will be awesome. ^__^
By the way, Heather totally hooked us up with a ton of free Tazo. I caught the tail end of something about a Starbucks convention and somebody's brother being a big thief... I don't know. Hah! I think I'm going to go curl up with with a cup of green, though. Goodnight!!