Oct 22, 2006 19:54
Class B was a letdown.
Class C shows were all exciting. I was so proud of Scottsburg that I cried.
Met Rodney. He's a jerk, but nice sometimes.
Class A was incredibly boring. I've never been a fan of A, and this reinforced it.
Church, class. Didn't get my homework done for Sunday school, but I wasn't left out. I'll finish the reading later.
Lunch with the Harts at Smokey Bones, shopping at Victoria's Secret, Hot Topic, and random kiosks, etc.
Game time!
Fat Redskins fan next to me, but he and his friend turned out to be from New Albany, so they were pretty nice to me after I told 'em where I had grown up.
Mary and I mocked the cheerleaders and learned the cheers/dances in no time flat. It was fun mockingly doing the dances in the stands.
Fun game. It was fun to actually get to see the action, although it's easier to have the camera man follow the ball for me sometimes. ;)
IU band sucked. It was my first time watching a college marching band. I'm hoping others are better.