SL Land update and SDF:IRC v0.0.2a pre-release out

Jul 17, 2008 16:35

Hey all,

No this isn't a really long life update, it is to announce two things.
First to get it out the way quickly, I have purchased that land on Second Life for renting out, the reason I'm going over it quickly? It's already full up.
Yeah, I have put three 512 plots on there and I'm keeping land bit of land as "fallow," still if anyone is interested, please ask because the dust hasn't settled yet.

Second of all and this is the big part, SDF:IRC, my IRC chat client has a new pre-release, 0.0.2a.
Download it here, don't know your version? Just start the client the welcome page should detect your version and point you to the D/L page.
The change logs are below or a more detailed one with links is available at .

Two new features that people should like, my client now supports SSL encrypted connections and the tabs now highlight. As a consequence of the highlighting tabs I have to provide my own SWT libraries and build them myself however I have build ones for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This is the first time I've done all three.
A note about the Linux package, I've made a small script called it will try the Java command. However, if you want to use a different version you can point to a different directory by setting the variable at top of the script the Java directory of your choice. Example: JAVA_PATH="/usr/java/latest"
Also if you add it to your KDE menu you need to set the Work Path to the same place as the script.

For the Mac OS X version, it's untested. I don't have a mac at all so I can't test it, but assuming that you still have bash on Mac OS X I've used the same script, opening the Jar should work too.
Also for the Mac, I've attempted to create an *.app package. That is very untested I don't expect it to work, but if you want to poke around in the untested directory and try and give me some tips and fixes, I'm open to them. :p

Change Log:

SDF:IRC - 0.0.2a
- 0000175: [GUI] Plug-in buttons do not work (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000153: [Settings] Better handling of default settings (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000152: [Settings] Window maximized state not saved. (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000176: [Settings] Window position and size are not stored (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000170: [Channel] Channel and chan user modes, or modes with and without parameters causes parse problems. (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000166: [GUI] Clean up of wizard API (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000151: [Other] Splash Image to big (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000159: [Other] Support of SSL Connections (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000164: [GUI] Should make the dialog box for joining servers appear in the middle of the screen (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000162: [Channel] Changing name with /nick doesn't update my name in the side bar (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000158: [Protocol] Detect what charsets are being used (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000155: [GUI] Giving focus to a console doesn't stop scrolling (StevenSDF) - resolved.
- 0000154: [GUI] Links in consoles don't give focus back to the text field (StevenSDF) - resolved.

Known Issues:
0000182 Clicking the task links in the welcome tab doesn't work until the page is refreshed in Linux (possibly Mac)
Its seems to be when the client is using Mozilla, Fire Fox or XUL Runner to render the page. However, IE seems to be OK here.

0000181 The perform buffer never gets run if the server does not provide a network name.
Some servers don't use RPL_ISUPPORT, numeric 005, which usually contains something like NETWORK=Name.

Please report any problems/bugs/improvements to me, or even better sign up to my tracker and use that so I can keep track easier.

releases, irc, sdf:irc, second life

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