Stuff XIII

Sep 11, 2007 15:54

Yes, time for another update! :p

Too many things have happened now to wait any longer, now if I can remember them all I'll tell you. :)

Things are changing a little, I've been using the computer less than usual over the last few days, mainly because my parents don't like me using it so much. In any case whether it's a plot to get me away from the computer or just a bit of fun, they've been asking me to play board games and stuff with them, though I think it could mainly be due to the fact that TV is nothing but shite at the moment, I mean sometimes there are odd programs that are good, but I haven't seen any.

I've cleared most of people's arts that were sitting in the various message centres, I looked at everyone, I didn't just check them off. :p

Also, I got my timetable through now from Uni, we go back on the 24th of this month. I have a bit of a silly time table too:
Tuesday, 18:00 - 21:00, Visual Basic 2 (not done 1 yet?)
Friday, 09:00 - 12:00, Building Office Applications
Thursday, 13:00 - 16:00, Professional Issues in Computing.

So all spread out, but one of them is late in the evening, I won't get home till about 10pm.

Also I decided to remove Windows from my desktop, it's out of date and I never use it. So I'm backing up my /home/ directory to my server and then I'm formatting the lot and reinstalling Linux.

I think it needed a reinstall, a lot of my messing around sort of slowed it a little, but then to get my wireless thing working on it did require a lot of messing.

Today I got an unexpected phone call too, a job offer, this it at the old place again, they say they have a lot of sick people out of office and would like me to go in and work until I start back at uni. Though with my classes being so sparse ATM, I might ask if I can do a little PT after if they need me, work don't usually do part time jobs, but it doesn't hurt to ask, if they're desperate enough to phone me and ask, they might need more work and be willing to bend a little. :p

Oh yes, almost forgot, I'm now a fully trained Second Life Mentor too. XD
Also, for no reason, yesterday I decided to build a working replica of a windmill in SL, oh yes, of all the stupid things to do. XD
It's coming on, needs a lot of prims though to get all the cogs and so on, I'm working off a cross-sectional diagram I have in a book.

Again on the subject of SL, There's some land next to mine available to buy, I might get a little section of that, at the back, this could be used as a private sandbox and it would be hidden, when it isn't being used it will also allow for more prims being used on my main bit of land. However, I'm only going to buy it if my friends want to use it, I don't want to pay all that money just for thing that isn't getting used.

So far the only people I know that use my land are, me, Lynn, sometimes Duragan, rarely Lynn's BF (Jack) and that's about it.

The good thing about a private sandbox is that the sim I'm in is quiet, so low lag, not many avs around, I think I've seen four at the most.

That should complete this,

See ya, SDF

computers, work, uni, second life, stuff, jobs

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