I've decided to produce, rather than just pitch. So... what I'm working on:
- Savage Worlds supplement for
The Horse Latitudes which is looking interesting. It's worth it just for my aquaforms... deep-water Merrows and softly glowing (and venomous) Sirens. And, of course, bastard dolphins as NPCs. Pretty much entirely for personal use, but I hope to have something worth
chernobylred's time sooner than later. Because we will have our oceanpunk fun, Ms. Red. Mark my words.
- Outlining
Slow Boat to Fast City. Haven't decided whether I want to do connected short stories or one big narrative... which says "connected short stories" to me.
- Floating short stories out to be considered.
Bad Beat up for a noir anthology and Make Him Talk's
Make Him Talk in someone's read pile for a general horror thing. Odds aren't necessarily great, but I want to put more of my short work out there.
Novellaquest 2011continues on. Vast silence on that front, but I've already spoken with some folks about shooting a 30-second trailer for the goddamned book and, thus, am moving forward on the self-publication front if nothing else shakes free.
- Continuing apace. Running and gunning.
How are you?