I'm here...I'm just

Aug 19, 2011 22:14

Worn out.

I've posted under a cut because of lenght an old LJ post I started nearly 2 weeks ago, but got side tracked.

The last 3 weeks have been murder. Because of the horseshit that congress sholved over on us dealing with the debt "crisis" , It has created a re-finance boom in appraisals. Combine that with my desperate attempt to get things off my back before Sept. 1 when I go for a statistics class, and I've been worked to death. In the last three weeks, we've cranked out nearly 45 appraisals. (15 from me!) I've got my web site up, in a rough draft format. My company's web site is functioning, but I need to finish the other parts, ASAP. I've also been in serious study on my real-estate sales persons' license as well. I made a major breakthough on how to study it, and my grades have improved dramtically. A 30% jump after just one study! I'm still not ready for the test yet, I'm averaging about 62%, but I haven't had a chance to study in 4 days because I am constently on the road, or having to finish/do appraisals, or other work dealing with appraisals, and other parts of the business.

Today I just got done with a class on UAD. A new set of standards for appraisal software, and forms. it's a headache that we don't need now. It's like the debt thing that congress worked on. We didn't need that now, we need jobs, but they wanted to work on something like this. - Bah. Anyway, I got it done, so now we're going to have to move over to UAD based appraisals, which is a 65 point headache for a couple of months.

The rest of the year, is going to be a work-out. I'm making some better money thankfully. I'm still recovering, which will probably be until next year if things keep going. But once I get the 2 sites done enough. I'll just maintain them until next year. At least the sites, my real-estate sales persons license is the only things left to finish aside from the two classes.

Oh on a bit of good news; The class I took today on UAD gave me a kernel of an idea thanks to Dennis Badger. He said that people should talk to their local banks, about offering your services as a UAD reviewer, since this will be a major thing for at least 6 months to a year while they iron out the bugs. I also found the concept of an 'evaluator' which is a type of appraisal that isn't so strict. I can do one of 4 things now.

Offering my books
UAD reviewer
and I'm allowed to be an appraiser for banks, even in my trainee/associate standing. It's only if they do loans for Freddy Mac/Fannie mae that I have to be under super-strict guidelines.

I'm starting this Monday :). I don't know if I can make it on any of the local banks, but I'm going to try :)

One other piece of good news. I may have finally got 2 artists for my TerraFUR comic! I spoke to a friend of mine, who does 3-d works (computer generated) and he said he'd like to try for it. Then that same night, another traditional artist said he would like to try sometime. Both are pretty good. Not the skill level I've seen in ecmajor , Chris_sawyer, Dark Natasha or others who have a very, very realistic style, but it's a start. Also I think my artist friend really needs a focus to get his art going. I remember one artist who does Carpie Deme (A comic strip I love), who said that CD was the best thing that ever happen to her. So I figure my friend can use this too. Our preliminary idea so far, is to illustrate one of my old stories on my FA account, seeing if it can be done. I'll post anything we get over the next few months.

Now to older news.

I'm getting a 20g aquarium next year.

This tank continues to surpise and delight me no end!

Just today, looking at a pea that was moving seemly on it's own accord, and you would't believe what I saw.

A Hydra!

It couldn't have been more than - .5mm, or less in lenght but there was no doubt as to what it was. Also I then spotted 2 more!

So far, the large - easy to see animals about the same. 2 species of snails (and the small ones are breeding. A few tadpoles, (getting fat, btw), and the crawfish, Which has exhibted some unsual behavors I'm still trying to figure out. After nearly a week of hiding in a burrow, he's now scratching at the glass wanting out. I fed him two peas, and he started but left again.

but so far the tiny animals continues to surpise me. I have no clue to 99% of what they are.

Here's a list of what I suspect, or know


Mayfly larva (according to notes, you can tell them by the 3 tails which is what I've seen.

I may have some 'moss animals' which look like coral, or feather worms.

Just found out the 1st type of snail; Ramshorn. According to the web site (natural aquariums) there is 3 types of common pond snail, and I may have a Malayan livebearers however, since there seems to be a lot of these tiny snails.

there is other things, I got photos of, when I did a complete cleaning of the tank.

So I'm ending that here.

real estate sales persons license, appraisals, business, update, uad, aquarium

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