I wanted to do this, before I forgot again. A thank you to people who helped me with TerraFUR.
Well started reading Brin's "Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide to David Brin's Uplift Universe" as I posted in my last post. I must admit...
I have this strong feel with Earth from the books now.
In the books, Earth not only uplifted naturally (Developed sapience) but also they uplifted 2 of their own planet's species; the Chimps, and Dolphins. I got a feeling that a 3rd; the Gorillas was also uplifted. Humans also developed their own warp drive, and machine AI. But according to galactic policies, that shouldn't have happened without an older race uplifting them, AND helping them along.
That's why I feel like Earth. I'm making TerraFUR on my own!
I have felt for sometime that I was walking in undiscovered country. It's just something that came to me about 3 or 4 years ago, but my notes show this developing as far back as at least 2002. Kantuck, the original character came up in a story in 2002, and she was a deer species, but I can't remember if it was a Hind or not. To ones not in the know, I gave the name, and species to a friend of mine who wasn't a fur, but wanted to try out MUs. She eventually "became" Kantuck and she's now helping me develop TerraFUR with ideas of her own.
I see though I have a long way to go with TerraFUR. But Brin's book is really giving me ideas, and it's a great outline. To ones who are concerned, no I don't parrot it word by word. I never wanted to actually copy others' works. But his book is a guideline for me. I have included many, many different author's, TV, and movie ideas, or used them as guides.
I've been influenced by:
- Dr. Who (The Plentarian ;).
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- Brin's uplifting series (of course)
- Asimov
- Clarke
- Anderson
- Harry Harrison's Edan Trilogy.
- Jim Hardiman's Caterwaul universe. He's given me some great ideas for cultures based upon anthropomorphics' natural instincts.
- Roz Gibson's Jack Salem's universe (which I know VERY little of.)
There's faint ideas too from various DC/Marvel comics as well.
I want to also thank
sagheer for his influence, and advice, Eyae'calitha for bringing her own species into the universe, as well as great ideas, TOR for his advice on the HIndvalian species, and of course my greatest ally; Kantuck. She, as well as TOR has brought the Hinds to life.
doc_moreau for his incredible portrayal of
Kantuck's picture, which helped me solidify exactly what Hinds look like in my head. That's very critical.
So thanks all for your help. Hopefully 2011 I can start posting real stuff about them
D'oe!! How the devil did I forget the grandfather of TerraFUR? I forgot that H.G. Wells' The island of Doctor Moreau' was a major influence with me! :)