Jan 17, 2009 20:54
Yes!! Thanks to Srain I figured out DA’s submission format. Thanks Srain! Now I’ll start posting all non-anthro art on DA, and FA will remain in the fur.
Just posted my first print there, the Leonardo Da Vinci copy. I’m rather proud of it. I did it totally by freehand, no grid at all this time. Of course the hair is an incredible challenge, which I’m not ready for yet. But it’ll be here eventually.
I might attempt an incredibly difficult Reubens horse picture soon. But better not push TOO fast.
Anyway, just also watched “The Dark Night” the last batman movie? That was really a surpise to me. I really enjoyed it. It was more like a physcological thriller, instead of a comic book movie. This is how comic movies SHOULD be done, unless they’re deliberately funny comics. Comics set their own plot. If they’re dark (IE: Batman) then they sould be the same in the movies. If they’re light hearted...uh JLA in the 80s, then make them light hearted. Don’t camp a movie just cause you want to camp it. That’s what ruined the Fantastic Fours - even if they had one of the hottest...actresses in movies at the moment (hehe)
Anyway, off to see Leatherheads now. The Clooney movie. Finally got it on DVD too.
- Shado