I'm writing up a '2 do' list of things needing fixed in linux, so bear with me. LJ is wonderful for this. If you have any clues, I'd appreciate any info you can give.
1) Thunderbird truncating all mail.
2) Printers: Both the ML 380, and HP
3) Scanner
4) Making programs popup in the right monitors.
5) Terminal programs doesn't work with the number keypad. (I'm old school, the number keypad was the way to control the cusor, before IBM introduced that awful inverted T)
6) URLs not being associated in terminal programs.
7) Krusader not able to pop up programs via click on associated files all the time.
8) Krusader not moving files to trash
9) rebooting the system or cold restart doesn't start Pidgin, or Knotes or my mail checker automatically. (I set something wrong here :\)
10) Sound mixer doesn't keep settings upon a reboot/restart.
11) Sound doesn't work on Youtube
12) STudy KDE 4 closer
13) Getting new themes on KDE 3, and installing!
In other linux news. Windows just got it's next coffin nail. I got Dreamweaver 8 working in wine - even though it's only a pyrith victory. I have to use a file manager to start it. If it's started any other way it either doesn't run, or else says 'reinstall the program' Not a major headache, but still aggravating. In the process I learned how to get rid of other programs and I found the remains of the other programs so now they're gone for good.
I've also merged an abridged version of my last 2do list here, so I can come back here, and check off what I've done over the next year. Then on 31 Dec you can say "He waught at me! AT ME!...with my own teef!" :)
Abridged 09 2do list:
#1 Genealogy.
#2: The storage server "Saraswasti": Set it up right in order to find things easy, and for long-term storage.
#3: Art: Spend the next year advancing your art. Using "So you thought you couldn't draw" videos and book, and really become a good artist.
#4: Get out more, off the nets/computers and start LIVING life. Travel, Save as much as you possibly can. Get back into your old hobbies; astronomy, travel, scale-model building. Also keep thinking of that super goal, land, home, and your animal companions you so want.
#5 Web sites: I knew there was something I kept forgetting! I'm going to redo my fur site, AND personal site this year. I'll be asking folks for advice this time however, so it's not stillborn :\
http://sdelaforge.livejournal.com/325929.html [laughs] Listening to Overture to Tannhuser, and I can't help but to invision Bugs Bunny in drag, and Elmer Fudd singing "Oooo broonhilda, your so wovely!...Yes I know...I can't help it" (groans!! :)
So what do you expect in an opera, a happy ending?
- Shado