I've created a frankenstein (With utmost respects to the grand dam, Mary Shelly)
I went to Barns & Noble, and got:
Stephen Baxter's "Titan" (understandable, Baxter is a god to me
Philip Palmer's "Debatable Space"
and (groan) Gregory Benford's "Foundation's Fear"
Which happens to be a sort of continuation of the Foundation series! Arrrrggg!!!
I hate to say it, but Dr. Asimov roped...nay, reined me in with Hari Sheldon, and the more I read about Hari, Dors, Yugo, Raych, Daneel, and such, the more I want. It's like a bloody drug! But it isn't Despera, no this is the oppisite of that poision!
I rarely get reined like this. I was like that as a youth, but now it takes something special to do that. but it's like the old days. I was going and coming from Lexington with the folks, and I said probably 5 words the entire time...which usually was 'pee' or 'eat'
This is going to be murder after Jan 1 when I have to shift gears and start working on getting my licenses (sigh)
Someone send a hindvaline to take care of me, and do the study for me? Or I'm not fussy, an Eohippian would do just fine.
iron_raptor can you help in that department? :)
- Shado