
Aug 20, 2008 20:50

Wouldn't you know it? A day into my vacation, and I may have to cut it short.

Since I can't get the LJ cut to work in the web posting section, I'll just spare people's sensibilities, and say that I've got a medical condition, that's causing all sorts of problems. My BG is though the roof (175 last reading. I'm usually in the 90s), and it's giving me a bad case of the hypers - I feel like I'm on fracking speed, I can't concentrate, and sit well. NOt to mention I'm desperately thirsty even though I'm guzzling water.

This medical condition started just before I went on the bus, but after I got here, it went crazy. Now it's all I can do to keep it under control, and HOPEFULLY not have to come home early.

What is even worse, is the cost. This will require a surgen. I'm sure it'll be local only but still this will cost me BIG.

I've also ran out of diabetic strips, and I'll need to go to wal-mart and pay (ouch) $30 for an emergency box.

HOnestly I feel like putting a fist though a wall, or crying - or both. Gods dammit! I can't get a fucking BREAK with the money! I think my emotional side is caused by the hypers, BTW, or could be the infection too.

I'll write if I have more news.

- Shado


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