CottonCandy of FurryMUCK, and I have a fun picture in mind, if I ever get enough skill to do such (or else enough doe to commission
saribou, or (my fav)
moonfeather for it. I did a VERY quick sketch of it, called "Smith"
Smith Now I know there's tons of problems with it, but it was a 5 minute sketch, I can't do paws/hands to save my life yet. and the hips and torso are out of proportion but that's what I'm seeing in my head for now. Maybe I can get some time to work on it.
I'm proud of it though; 7 years ago, I couldn't even do stick figures with hours of work. Now this in 5 minutes. Think of what will happen when I have 7 more years of study :)...I might be able to do a bit better :)
I have another image for Cromaza of FurryMUCK in mind as well. (hehe)
- Shado