Since "Anonymous" replied
to my post and did it anonymously, I thought I'd post it here as a new LJ so they may see this.
BTW anonymous, I do log IP addresses, and I've looked you up.
Anyway they wrote:
Genesis 19:5-8
5And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
6And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,
7And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.
8Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.
here ***
So lets say a little something about this, hm?
Anon wishes for me to know all about what the bible says about homosexuality. Thank you for that little bit of education.
Now allow me the same curtsy...Know what the bible AND the Koran say about pedophilia?
[crickets chirping...]
That's right. In this time I was down with my shoulders and back, I asked around. I asked a friend who's a muslin about the Koran as well to see what he knows. He said he hasn't really come up with anything condemning, or supporting it though. Both the bible and the Koran says nothing about it...
So what's the effects of this?
Children and adolescents who have been sexually abused can suffer a range of psychological and behavioral problems, from mild to severe, in both the short and long term. These problems typically include depression, anxiety, guilt, fear, sexual dysfunction, withdrawal, and acting out. Depending on the severity of the incident, victims of sexual abuse may also develop fear and anxiety regarding the opposite sex or sexual issues and may display inappropriate sexual behavior. However, the strongest indication that a child has been sexually abused is inappropriate sexual knowledge, sexual interest, and sexual acting out by that child.
American Phycological Association - Other sites that explain this are: (A group I've been associated with): Child Sexual abuse from Wikipedia: While God Ahalla, Buddha, God & Goddess, or the space aliens of the month may not like homosexuality, if they are a true loving god, they'd put pedophilia in the 10 commandments, and if I was god, I'd be smiting every pedo who had their hands in a kid's pants, by the most horrible fate I could devise. But yet, there is nothing in two holy books about this.
My point is? My point is, don't dump some 2,000 year old verses condemning something your scared to death of and probably a closeted homosexual who's scared you'll be a queen walking down in a parade.
Homosexuality; between two consenting and loving adults could lead to nothing but further love and support between the parties. Pedophilia leads to nothing but one or more getting their rocks off, and destroying a child's life and future.
So tell me now; which is the greater sin? Homosexuality, or pedo?
Oh, and next time you condemn someone, READ THE ENTIRE POST, and maybe you'll see what I was getting at. It was a sarcastic, and angry post. This shit desires everything he gets in jail, and I truly hope he lives a very long life...within the confines of the jail, and I hope he suffers as much as his victims do now. He ruined their lives, so now he should be ruined as well.
and tell me - what verse says 'an eye for an eye'? This is exactly from the bible.
- Shado