Just a quick request for advice. Yes, I'm still off the systems as much as possible though, working on that.
Anyway, I've been considering for a month or so about bringing my fur web page back. Mainly because I have:
- Art I'm doing and want to share.
- Pictures of my furson, which I want to share
- Pictures I've had done by artists which...well you get the point.
- Info about Shad, me,
- and misc things as well.
- photos, and also contact info.
- repository of my writings; like that bisexual thing I wrote about a few weeks ago
I can embed my LJ into it, and it'd be nice to have an area dealing with my fursona, and my role in the fur community. I have checked out
'My Fursona.com' and it is, according to
iron_raptor a sort of 'myspace' or 'Facebook' for furs.
Honestly I don't seen much difference between it, and a web page like you use to get on Geocities, Lycos, etc, but maybe with tools to make it easier to set up. I do see a mix of Livejournal in it (Blogs) and also the community/friends links like in LJ too. But am I missing things?
I have a working web site at:
www.ketnar.org/~shadwalk/ and thought of getting a domain name for it, since they're dirt cheap.
I even have a design for it; A rework of the old design (which I wish I could show but I lost that after 9/11)
So what's your advice? My Fursonia, or rebuild my web site?