Jul 24, 2002 02:59
What a rough day this was..Im reflecting back at how tired I was due to some disagreements on the phone last night and then class all day. I found out that my communications prof. is bisexual, and then had to sit through 4 hrs of pointless reading that had nothing to do with the reading assignment from the previous class. I understand the point of "summer intensive" programs in 4 weeks, but really, the outside projects are not needed..oh well, I picked up some food on the way home and was in bed at a very early time in comparison to the other nights, only to arise at an earlier time to finish my english paper that was due at 1. Time is a pain, who needs it? I guess we wouldn't be able to survive in this type of Americanized culture with out time huh?
Remembering the week and not to interested..later