Jun 02, 2006 04:06
I cant get a lick of sleep tonight. It's 4 in the morning, I should be snoring and instead im yawning and wondering why in the world I'm typing on a computer when I'm yawning which is a clear sign of fatigue. Oh well. Whats been keeping me up isnt really physical its more mental. The realization that life is about to hit me in about a year just hit me, along with a few other 'complications' involved in everyday life. It's weird to think that in 15 months i will be beginning to either start or delay my path down a certain career. I'm pretty sure where I want to go, if God truly wants me there, so I'm not terribly worried about that but just the thought that it seems like 2 weeks ago college was 5 years away and now I've just got a year left is mind-boggling. I'd be lying if I said that was the only thing keeping me up. The other is most certainly one shared by many guys being kept up tonight, and that of course is the complex infrastructure known as the female mind. I'll tell u some girls actions are vaguer than a fortune cookie (hopefully thatll make sense in the morning, if not i apologize.) Part of me wishes i could meet my wife right now and just get to that point in my life where at least the dating part of it was over. Another part of me knows it would be a shame to sleep through the travel time it takes to get to that destination. Part of me wishes girls didnt involve me having to take risks and go out on a limb here and there. Another part of me knows that when I find the one that makes me willing to take any risk and end up breaking a limb or two and falling flat on my face out of a tree, I'll be happier knowing that the risk paid off because she will be worth more than how much the fall hurt. Oh well, in due time. In the mean time there are two certainties. God is awesome, and I am his. There aint no risk in that statement. Time for bed.