Rest In Peace, Dave Alway.
tnatj was, to me, one of those incredible friends who you can see only once or twice a year, chat with, and feel the years slip away instantly. Sadly, though I had known him for over 10 years, I don't believe I ever saw him outside of fan conventions.
When I began my work on filk for the Masters, one of the first cons I went to was OVFF. Here I was, a fan, but a newbie to Fandom and very much a Newbie to the filk community. I think Dave sat up with me for about 3-5 hours in the Con Suite that first night, chatting about filk and filk history. Keep in mind, I wasn't an established scholar in any way . . . just an annoying guy with LOTS of silly questions. And for Dave, even though OVFF comes by but once per year, and I'm sure there were friends he only saw there, he sat and chatted with me. That was the first of many long, and sadly far too many short, chats I had with Dave.
I will miss all I never knew about him, but cherish all I do.