Dec 08, 2004 21:24
Twin day was fun yet i dont think anyone noticed that all the livies room crowd dressed alike cause we all had to wear jackets cause it was freezing and raining! but tomoroi go ALL out for 80's day! in ms. tings class we did the usual and had our daily philosphical debate from elliot C and jonathan, there was a prospective teacher to fill dr. k's spot who seemed cool,; and of course ms. ting worked in stories about her kids. in spanish we kept watching Amores Perros( translates to " Life's a b@#$h" lol) which is sooo gory and intense but i think it's good. oh yea we had a speaker on eating disorders who in my opinion want so good, i mean she seemed nice but she was softspoken and didnt give us much new info.. the video was somewhat onesided and she was Very negative aobut people who have eating disorders, saing that they have serious mental problems and everything, which may be true to some extent but if there were ppl in the room who have experienced or are going through eating disorders, it felt kinda unecessarily harsh.. i guess since she has pretty much the same credentials as michael simon i wouldve rather heard him give the talk cause he's awesome. she did seem nice i jus dont know how effective the presentation was. then there was lunch where we talked about the musical with sarah and julie and discussed directing choices sarah might make, and finally there were 100 minutes of history which weren't too painful, but i wouldnt say they ere enjoyable. then we went to peets on the way home and now i should be revising a spanish essay but sadly i'm not.. oh well, i'm glad to be updating again. Adios