Mar 06, 2008 19:59
Yesterday I constructed an MFI desk, successfully. For the first 2 hours me, the power-screwdriver and the (partially incorrect) assembly diagram were having lots of fun - it was like a giant 3D jigsaw puzzle I thought! - then I realised that not only was one of the first pieces upside-down, but it was crucial that it be the right way up. I had to take the whole thing apart and put it back together again. Two and a half hours later, the desk, complete with drawer, was finished. I was so proud *pats desk* I didn't even care I practically collapsed afterwards. Today, however, my muscles are making me pay: my knees, legs, arms, wrists, even my thumbs hurt! I think it was worth it though.. I mean the fact that it reduced both parents to speechless staring is worth the thumbs alone.
In conclusion: Siân has conquered puny MFI wood. Siân proud. But Siân still need to fix sticking drawer *revs power tools* :D