Catch up...

Apr 18, 2009 08:33

Too much effort to actually compose a post on LJ... I mostly use LJ as an RSS reader for Slice of SciFi and ANN news these days... When I wish to share my life with the world I use Twitter or occasionally Facebook.
Been meaning to do an LJ post forever... but I know now that paragraphs are not in my power anymore...

Omg del amo mall is already setting up for xmas!
7:24 PM Sep 5th, 2008 from txt
Actually they were taping for NBC's Life

Thoughts of Tezuka inspired Jack-O-Lanterns have entered my head. Maybe I'll have a decent pumpkin this year after all!
7:10 AM Oct 23rd, 2008 from web
Nope. Never made it. Should keep Black Jack in mind for next year.

Star Trek: The Experience to be ressurected!! Hope they'll still do weddings. ^^;
7:57 PM Oct 23rd, 2008 from web
Still my top plan. I really really hate formal occassions. A typical wedding ceremony sounds so boring and icky.

Bleh. Sky still hazy... I want to wash my trip to Anaheim off my car, but not sure it will be to my benefit in the long run.
8:32 AM Nov 16th, 2008
Was applying for "Hotel Liason" for AX staff. Apparently not only did Rob not find me qualified, but did not find anyone qualified. I didn't have enough experience dealing with professional companies. At that point... wouldn't you let the person offering to help play roommate tetris help instead of doing it yourself? Apparently not. - My new dual screens. Possible LJ post to follow... In a few days or so... Maybe.
7:48 PM Feb 2nd from TwitPic
I really was. But then my computer crashed and ate it. Still loveing my dual screens.

I saw real live snow falling around me for the first time in my life,yay! Unfortunately, it was not snow by the time it reached the ground.
5:33 PM Feb 15th from web
Snow! Real Snow! The kind that makes it to the ground and stays. Perhaps I will make a snow hamster tonight, once more accumulates.
5:33 PM Feb 15th from web
Valentines Day in Reno. Yay for snow! But give me the sun any day!

Treasures from today's swapmeet: Dance pad for Wii/Gamecube & Donkey Kongas. I have some downloading to do.
2:08 PM Feb 28th from TweetDeck
DDR pad didn't work. No DDR Disney mix for me =( We're loving Donkey Konga so much we went out to get more controllers.

Watchmen was excellent! Lots of lines directly from the comic book. Loved the soundtrack. Will def. buy the DVD, I'm sure there's commentary
8:57 PM Mar 8th from TweetDeck
Great movie, still can't sit through the whole comic... too many words. Was at the comic shop this week and noticed that DC has released a couple comics that say something like "Now that you've read Watchmen, try this" and they give you the first issue of Preacher and Transmetropolitan for $1 each. Both comics that I enjoyed reading and wish I had the funds to actually own.

Ending-Cute. 30~40 leading up to the end- annoying. Hera <3 Remember:All this has happened before, and will happen again. Or will it? #BSG
8:17 PM Mar 20th from TweetDeck
BSG ending in 140 characters.

I'm really enjoying the mysteries unraveling on Dollhouse. It's been getting even better every ep. Next week will be really great.
10:05 PM Mar 27th from TweetDeck
They say it has a 50/50 chance of getting a 2nd season.

This year I opted for one big prank instead of many little ones. It went over very well.
12:21 PM Apr 1st from web
Being born on April Fool's Day almost requires me to have a good prank or 2 up my sleeves. You can see it here.

Half an hour on WiiFit has my muscles all tired out. This is the first time I've spent so much time on Yoga and Strength Training.
9:44 AM Apr 11th from TweetDeck
I have a lot of belly fat and it would do me some good to get rid of it. Too bad I'm too lazy to even play Wii Fit consistantly...

End. But while I'm at it... Here's some pictures of my cats.
Ok. Now really End.

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