Title: Moving Forward
Author: Moonshayde
Season: Nine
Category: Humor, Drama
Spoilers: Ripple Effect
Pairing/Character: Sam/Daniel, implied Sam/Martouf, Daniel/Janet. Mention of Daniel/Sha're
Summary: Both Sam and Daniel find closure so that they can finally move forward.
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Written for: NAME: Rigel
linnet_101 PROMPT WORDS OR FIC SCENARIO #2: One of the canon AU's (quantum mirror, firemanverse, moebius, ripple team etc) Whatever you like :D
I would have liked to do the story I was working on, but it was turning out to be long and I would never have been able to finish it and have it betaed in time. So, I hope this one will do.
Many thanks to
pepper_field for the quick beta. Disclaimer on my LJ.
Moving Forward