May 21, 2007 19:22
Okay all. It's after midnight in much of the world, so you're all free to start posting stories. :) YAY! All members should now have posting access. If you have trouble posting, please let us know.
Some reminders:
1. You must have joined this community in order to post. If you're only watching it, you will not be able to post to it.
2. It's fine to post your story to your own journal and link to it, but you must post a link to this community to let us know where to find your story.
3. Story headers must include the name of your recipient and the name must appear outside of the lj cut. (Or in the text that you post to the community, if you're linking.) You must also post the prompt that you were working with. This can appear in the headers or, if the prompt will be a spoiler for your story, at the end of the fic.
4. The header for your story should contain the following information:
Prompt (can go at the end of your story):
You are, of course, free to add any other information, but those are the required fields.
As always, you can comment with questions, or e-mail us privately at samdanielficathon at gmail dot com. :)