Anti-women politics

Mar 15, 2012 18:14

Lately it seems like all I've been hearing about is legislatures attempts to stop women from getting access to birth control or abortions or make it legal to fire a woman for using birth control. Georgia took a big step backwards and now Arizona is trying to get in on the action. Arizona is trying to make it so women have to prove to their employer that if they are using birth control pills it is for reasons other then birth control. They don't want women to use birth control. They don't want women to terminate unwanted pregnancies even if the baby would be born with horrible birth defects. Yet once the baby is born they could care less what happens. My Dad recently told me there was a study that showed that the crime rate has gone down dramatically since abortions were legalized. Less unwanted children equals a more peaceful society. These legislators need to stop attacking women.
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