Oct 31, 2008 22:04
Russell dressed up as a monkey and was mistaken for a stuffed toy by several people. Melissa dressed as a giraffe. I dressed Russell in his costume around 3pm at work. Everyone loved the costume. When Paul came to pick me up I brought Melissa in to show her to my coworkers. One of the sales guys thought she was Russell in a different costume. Then I had her stand on the table to show off the size difference. We took the kids trick or treating in Paul’s parent’s neighborhood. Russell had rice cereal for the first time. He did pretty well at eating. Then stopped by my parent’s house quickly for a visit.
Tomorrow is dad’s birthday. Today he mentioned his last case of skin cancer. I said he got a lot of those. He said Mom asked how many more he was going to have. He said since he gets 1 or 2 a year he was thinking another 40 or 50. I told him wed see him tomorrow for his birthday. He said he was getting old. I told him tomorrow he'll only be one day older then today. And that I will also be one day older. He acknowledged that was true. Dad is turning 65.
Paul twisted his ankle this morning, but he still took the kids out. As we were out he said he figured out what he was going as for Halloween. He dressed up as the father.