[OOC - Keeping track of Saiou's readings for no reason, yayz]

Apr 11, 2009 12:59

'Nuff said.

12/15/07 reading:

The Knight of Wands in reversed position.
The Four of Cups in reversed position.
The XVIII - The Moon in reversed position.

It's time to take a trip to exotic lands on your motorcycle. That is, if it just didn't explode.

You need to move on, but you refuse to. You're stuck in the past, with no acceptance that the future is better than the pain you don't want to let go. It's time to let go, Haseo.

The chaos of inspiration is going to take you. You will be consumed in the night by madness. Insanity is coming. Your dreams and desires will eat you whole for a time. The worst part of you will be seen yet, Haseo.

Translation: Stop being Batman. Also, you'll be canon biffed.
Skeith found him a couple days later.

1/28/08 - Celtic Cross spread:

Your Significator: Queen of Pentacles in upright position.
You are an incredibly capable and practical woman who likes what she has. You are responsible with your toys and use them to help your friends. You aren't very smart or intelligent, but like any sterotypical woman, you have strong emotion and understanding of life's pleasures.

The Obstacle: Knight of Pentacles in reversed position.
There is a greedy person blocking your path and keeping your fortunes at a standstill.

The Foundation: XII - The Hanged Man in reversed position.
You are at a loss, without commiments. You are preoccupied by silly things, miss. You feel opressed and useless. You refuse to grow up.

The Near Future: Five of Wands in reversed position.
You will be tricked, frauded, defeated, hurt, and ruined. You will end up in a legal battle. You will be a prat.

The Permeating Factor: XII - The Hanged Man in reversed position.
Your life feels pointless. Join a Youth Help Organization, like the YMCA, or the U.S. Navy, or join or start your own cult. (Or there's always breast enlargement surgery.)

Recent Events: VII - The Chariot in reversed position.
Someone has been stupid, greedy, and jealous. Your life is chaos and personal hell. You are imbalanced, and insane in the membrane. Avoid becoming rich and powerful and move into a cave. You are continuing to be an idiot, and yes, Miss, 2 plus 2 is not Fish.

You as you see yourself: Three of Wands in reversed position.
You see yourself as a hopeless romantic who can't tell the difference between a stoery book and real life. You keep screwing up, and your plans are god awful in execution.

Your Surrondings: Five of Cups in upright position.
People in your life are reevaluating themselves, and want to get married. However, they wish to commit Seppeku. They need to accept Unmei. They worry to much and are more useless than a pet rock. They are suffering emotional legacies, Miss.

Hopes and Fears: Six of Swords in reversed position.
You are afraid of not being stressed out. You hope for relief, and your scared shitless the giant robot is coming for you. You are afraid of building muscle, Miss. Just don't become an Amazon. And you're afraid you'll only keep getting smacked upside the head with troubles.

The Future Unchanged: VI - The Lovers in upright position.
Wedding Bells are going chime.

Translation: You suck but you will get married in a dress and live happily ever after someday.

3/15/08 - Celtic Cross again

Signifcator: Five of Cups in Upright position.
You feel the need to reorder your life. To choose specific romances. You feel there is dishonor you cannot overcome, a defeat that you can't take back. You need to accept things. You worry about broken promises, and your legacy.

Obstacle: Nine of Cups in Reversed position.
Beware sloth, pride, and gluttony, Mr. Haseo. You will lose money due to being reckless or losing your wallet. Don't be too oversentimental, people will use it against you.

Foundation: Ten of Wands in Reversed position.
There has been an effort to spoil other's pleasures because of envy. Backstabbing. You have unnesscary stress because you refuse help. There have been lies to hurt another.

Near Future: VIII - Justice in Upright position.
You need courage and self control and believe in love. Control your passions against your personal hungers. Be determined and generous and just. Use your powers for the benifits of the many. Be hopeful and resolute.

Crown: Ace of Coins in Reversed position.
You're worried about greed and material desires.

Recent Events: Page of Swords in Upright position.
A person you know has arrived on Earth. A person of grace, dexterity, diplomacy, and skilled at the truth of all things. A master negotiator. This person is always detached.

Querent: Ten of Swords in Reversed position.
Your problems aren't gone. Prepare for Death and extreme change. Temporary good fortune. Expect life to shit on you.

Querent's Surrondings: Page of Swords in Reversed position.
Someone you know and love is a liar. A decisever. They're trying to harm you and they're spying on you. This person is unseen, may hurt your health, or trying to change your life.

Hopes and Fears: Five of Swords in Upright position.
You're afraid of defeat, failure, and dishonor. You're afraid swallowing pride. You're a pessimist.

Ultimate Outcome: Ten of Coins in Upright position.
Things will end well. You will come in possession of much gold and a long inheritance that has been built over the centuries. Start family traditions. Expect a dowry and to get married.

Translation: OVAAAAAAAN?

4/11/08 - Golden Dawn reading

You - XVIII - The Moon in Upright position.
A dreamer and a psychic. One bound by illusions and desires. The next Hollywood big name actor-writer-director. You have no control over yourself, Brit.

Your personality - Nine of Cups in Reversed position.
An erronous, complacent, vain, and self indulgent type. You waste money on new shinies. You're overtly sentimental.

Your Problem - Ace of Cups in Upright position.
You're in love. Run. :|

Current Path 1 - Two of Swords in Reversed position.
Someone is going to turn against you, lie to you, betray you, trick you, and decieve you, Miss Hasewo.

Alternate Path 1 - Four of Swords in Upright position.
Run away. Shoot as you retreat. Get bandages.

Information 1 - Seven of Cups in Upright position.
You should reflect upon choices. Too many options and choices can be bad, so you'll need to fiogure out the exact right one. You should have an Acid Trip.

Uncontrollable Factor 1 - Eight of Swords in Reversed position.
Something is encouraging wasteful hard work that leads to destructive ends. A force of change and liberation. It encourages cowardice.

Current Path 2 - XI - Strength in Upright position.
Favorable resolutions. Triumph over prejudice and biogtry. Divorce. A Marriage. Clarity. Fairness. Judgment.

Alternate Path 2 - Five of Swords in Reversed position.
Put the tin foil hat on. Be paranoid. Be angry. Attack people.

Information 2 - Knight of Cups in Upright position.
Embrace change and new ideas and new romance. Pimp yourself out. Watch for a person who brings ideas, opportunities and offers. Seek out thrills. Keep strong to your ideals.

Uncontrollable Force 2 - Nine of Coins in Upright position.
There is a force of unexpected success and wealth coming out of nowhere. Be wary. Keep your sword ready and your pants on.

Current Path 3 - XIII - Death in Upright position.
Rebirth by destruction. Massive upheavel. The Grim Reaper approaches.

Alternate Path 3 - Five of Cups in Upright position.
A need to replan and reevaluate. Marriage. Dishonor that shall never vanish. Defeat. Learn to accept defeat. Accept you shall lose your pants and have debt.

Information 3 - VIII - Justice in Reversed position.
Be wary of abused authority. Things causing inadequacy. Despair. Disgust. Cruelty. And suffering.

Uncontrollable Force 3 - Seven of Swords in Upright position.
A force of desire and impulse. A card of caution concerning enemies. A new change in life. Progress through cunning, but it leads nowhere....

Translation: Make sure you're wearing clean underwear, young man.

5/31/08 Reading:

Significator - Knight of Wands in Reversed position.
An over enthusiastic sort who makes him at odds with those around him. An enjoyer of discord, arguments, strife, and trouble just for the sake of it and actively seeks to cause it. Also, you don't tend to journey to where you should, Hobo.

Crossing Card - Page of Swords in Upright position.
You shall face a detached emissary. A person of grace and dexterity. A diplomat. A skilled sort. A negiotator. A message of a problem being solved or ending badly. An illness. Rumor. Gossip. A question that needs answerting. A whiz-kid. A sidekick. A know it all or a tattletale.

Foundation - Two of Wands in Reversed position.
An ambition without bounds. The attainment of a fake glory. You've robbed someone. You have lost faith in yourself.

Near Future - Two of Cups in Upright position.
Affection. Love. A new romance, partnership or friendship. Emotional affinity. Sympathy. Resolution of differences. Romeo and Juliet.

Crown - Queen of Coins in Reversed position.
A person who enjoys yes men. A rich woman. A greedy woman who has no spiritual life. A very changeable woman who is suspicious and narrow-minded at the new and misunderstood. A person of granduer.

Recent Events - Five of Cups in Upright position.
A reordering and reevaluating of priorities. Union and marriage. An unrecoverable dishonor and defeat. A need to accept the inevitable. Worry and regret. Broken engagements and emotional letdowns. Emotional and monetary legacies. Worrying over spilled milk. An obsession of loss. Learn to love what you do have. Feels of not living up to expectations. A regretted action.

Querent - Ten of Wands in Upright position.
One of Honorable conduct. One whose great fortunes have become burdens due to their demands. Something you made can no longer be controlled by you. You have no social life due to other obligations. You're a leader. Putting the weight of the world on your shoulders for good intentions, you are exhausted.

Querent's Surrondings - Five of Coins in Reversed position.
A long term unemployed person. They lack success. They're a hobo. They can't get over their problems due to their own pride and sloth.

Hopes and Fears - Queen of Swords in Reversed position.
Being miserable for the sake of misery. Becoming the villain in the face of your own problems. Becoming deceitful, sly, intolerant and narrow minded. A liar and a slanderer. A formidable enemy who is subtle and sharp-witted.

Ultimate Outcome - King of Coins in Reversed position.
An easily bought fellow who is dull and greedy. He loves his rut hole.

Translation: Uh...Bilbo gets some of it. Orz

11/2/08 reading:

Present/Theme - Knight of Coins in Upright position.
Travel by foot. Dealing with a perfectionist.

Past Influences - Ace of Swords in Upright position.
A need to grasp the sword and run with it.

The Future - VII - The Chariot in Upright position.
Obtain victory and prepare for what comes after it. Focus conflicting energies to proceed.

The Reason Behind the Question - III - The Empress in Reversed position.
Domestic troubles.

Potential of the Situation - Ace of Coins in Upright position.
Material wealth and stability.

Translation: You suck as a boyfriend?

ooc, i'm the juggernaut bitch ya rly, paranoia...rising, dun dun duuuuuun, silly in-jokes, damn you ovan, by the gods, this wont end well, needs to get laid, ..., zomg plot twist, totally not compensating for anything, this is not what i had in mind, epic plot (maybe), ceiling skeith is watching you

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