A little geek in everyone!

Jan 27, 2008 03:51

Okay, this is kinda interesting.

Birds of a Feather Right? Well, if that's true then Geeks must hang out with other Geeks... find out if it's true for you!
Think of your 19 closest friends (family can be included) that consider themselves "geeks." Got 'em? Great now, scroll down and next to each listing place one name (your name as well.) DO NOT LOOK AT THE LIST FIRST! If someone doesn't fit a category that's fine just place their name at the bottom. Count up how many names you could place by a category. Multiply that by 5 and that how much of a geek you truly are!

01. Anime Geek:
02. Star Wars Geek:
03. Star Trek Geek:
04. Computer Geek:
05. Gaming Geek:
06. Marvel/DC Geek:
07. Automotive Geek:
08. Fashion Geek:
09. Movie Geek:
10. Drama Geek:
11. RPG Geek (the kind with Dice):
12. Photoshop Geek:
13. Fantasy Geek:
14. Photography Geek:
15. AV Geek:
16. Cartoon Geek:
17. Band Geek:
18. Pirate/Ninja Geek:
19. Chess Geek:
20. Reality TV Geek:
Geeks who didn't fit:

My List:
01. DJ
02. Mom
03. Dad
04. Kiyo
05. Shane
06. JD
07. haha Me.
08. Erin
09. Chris
11. Terril
12. Kari
13. John
14. Kelsey
15. Matt
16. Shorty
17. Maria
18. Heather
19. Stephen
Geek who didn't fit: Mycal, Milt

I want to see everyone's lists too! Please post them in comments or whatever either that or let me know that they are going in your LJ or Myspace thing!


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