In depth character profile
Nicked from
aliceextinction forever ago
Basic Statistics
Name: Buffy Anne Summers
Age: 27
Nationality: American
Socioeconomic Level as a child: Middle Class
Socioeconomic Level as an adult: Middle Class
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Current Residence: Haurvatat
Occupation: Slayer, Ice Rink manager
Talents/Skills: She has preternatural speed and strength. Buffy can handle any weapon with precision even if she's never used it before. She's very agile.
Birth order: (birth) only child. Dawn is her younger sister by blood
Mother (+ Relationship): Joyce Summers and Buffy were close. They had their problems as all mother/daughters do but at the core of their relationship they were tight. When Joyce first found out about Buffy being the Slayer, she wasn't all that happy but it was out of concern than anything. In time, Joyce became very supportive of Buffy. Her mother's death hit her very hard.
Father (+ Relationship): Hank Summers and Buffy had a complicated relationship. She has abandonment issues because of it and Giles is more of a father than her father is. When her mother moved them to Sunnydale, Buffy saw her father less and less. There would be excuses why he couldn't come and she took it as a sign that it was her fault. That she wasn't good enough. It colors everything that she does, even with Giles filling that role.
Significant Others (+ Relationship): Angel the vampire. Talk about complicated. Buffy is a vampire slayer in love with a vampire with a soul. She will always love Angel no matter where their lives go. He was her first love and her soul mate. If they could be together without Angelus she would still be with him but that will never happen. She has come to terms with this and has moved on. Buffy hopes that Angel will always be in her life at least as a friend.
Significant Others (+ Relationship): Riley Finn. What could have been just a bridge between Angel and her next love wasn't. Buffy loves Riley and feels guilty in their relationship in the village. She knows that in his future he meets and marries Sam. She is technically the other woman even if it hasn't occurred yet and she feels that. Buffy feels selfish for taking this chance with Riley but feels the inevitable crash and burn when he returns to his world or Sam arrives in the village will be her punishment enough.
Significant Others (+Relationship): Spike. Another very complicated relationship for Buffy. She trusts him with her life and more importantly she trusted him with Dawn. They put the fun in dysfunctional in their relationship. Buffy just wanted to feel after she came back from heaven and Spike allowed her to feel if not think. He understood her and what she was going through. Buffy loved him in her own way but she was never in love with him.
Relationship skills: Non-existent. *snerk* Buffy has horrible skills when it comes to relationships. Until she works through her father issues, Buffy will always have doomed relationships.
Physical Characteristics:
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 100 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Mid-length, blonde
Glasses or contact lenses? Neither
Skin color: White
Distinguishing features: None
How does he/she dress? Buffy is very much into fashion. She'll wear the latest trend
Mannerisms: Flips her hair over her shoulders quite a bit
Habits: None really
Health: Excellent. She has Slayer healing
Hobbies: Dancing, Ice skating
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Sayings: I'm just a girl
Speech patterns: She talks fast and uses slang a lot.
Disabilities: None
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Casual
Greatest flaw: Bossy
Best quality: Does what needs doing no matter what the cost is to her.
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Educational Background: College dropout, hated school
Intelligence Level: Average but she's smarter than people think
Any Mental Illnesses? None but she's spent time in a mental institution
Learning Experiences: Buffy's learning experiences have all been in the school of hard knocks. She has a lot more life experience than book learning.
Character's short-term goals in life: To defeat the Twilight Cult and not be the reason the Slayers are back to being one in the future.
Character's long-term goals in life: Survive to live a long and happy life.
How does Character see himself/herself? A general
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Bossy/a general
How self-confident is the character? Extremely
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? A combination. Before the potentials it was all about emotion. Logic rarely made an appearance. After them, when she was responsible for their lives, Buffy has to start seeing the bigger picture and make the hard choices.
What would most embarrass this character? Having Sam arrive in the village and being called out as the other woman.
Emotional Characteristics
Strengths: Buffy will die willingly to stop the bad guys from winning.
Weaknesses: Dawn, Willow, Riley and Giles
Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert
How does the character deal with anger? Two ways. Yelling and getting it out or burying it deep.
With sadness? Buries it deep and doesn't deal.
With conflict? Faces it head on
With change? Hates it!
With loss? Buries it deep and doesn't deal
What does the character want out of life? To live
What would the character like to change in his/her life? Her relationship with Giles. He's from the past but she still feels the bitter betrayal of him leaving her to go with Faith.
What motivates this character? Duty and Dawn. She wants the world to be a safe place for her sister.
What frightens this character? That she'll fail
What makes this character happy? Dawn
Is the character judgmental of others? Buffy is very much judgmental of others.
Is the character generous or stingy? Buffy is very generous.
Is the character generally polite or rude? For the most part Buffy is polite but she can be rude.
Spiritual Characteristics
Does the character believe in God? Yes
What are the character's spiritual beliefs? Buffy knows that there is a heaven since she was there. She also knows there's a hell because Angel was there.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? Not at all. Buffy doesn't go to church or anything like that. She believes her 'job' as the Slayer is her part of stopping evil.
If so, what role does it play? See above
Character and Haurvatat
1. Dawn Summers - her baby sister and her life. She would die for Dawn and has.
2. Riley Finn - her boyfriend and love. She knows it will end one day with him going on to be with Sam but while in the village, she is taking this second chance. Even if it means her heart will be broken.
3. Seeley Booth - He looks like Angel but is very different. Those differences help and being around him has helped her to move on from Angel.
4. Giles - Her second father and watcher. They have a bond that is deeper than anything she ever had with her own dad. Buffy still feels betrayed by something in his future/her present and will slowly come to terms with it.
5. Faith - Complicated at best. They have many issues that need to be worked through.
6. Lucas North - Someone that gets what it's like to be her. Faith might understand the Slayer part but Lucas understands the being a general part and the faces at 3am.
7. Spike - Complicated at best. She knows what is in his future but this version isn't him. They are enemies in the village and it sort of feels good to have that footing with him again.
8. Dru - Wants her head on a platter but unfortunately can't do it.
9. Ethan - See above for Dru.