Yay! I am Consistant!

Aug 18, 2006 04:49

Well, this is my first REAL journal entry in a year. But at least I am consistent.

So, where am I now? I bet the one reader that reads this thing would want to know this. The last year has been fairly eventful for me, and lemme see if I can backtrack.

Work. I still work for Nortel. I've moved up a bit. I am now a Premium Technician on the EMEA shift. I work odd hours, but I love them. I am now a Nortel Certified Security Expert, which means, more marketability. EMEA is support for Europe, and the Arabic Empire. So I work from Midnight to 8am. Which is 6am to 2pm GMT. I enjoy the shift, usually nothing to do, so I sit and play bass all night, or read a book. I must have read a small library by now. This job shift change happened almost right after I wrote my last LJ entry. It pays ok. Pretty good for Utah, and most of my financial problems are gone. I've even started paying off the debt I made moving here, and it only took me four years!

Love Life and Friends. I still don't have all that many friends. A guy from work I hang out with, one of the few non-mormons I work with. He's a great kid.

Then I have the old Standards. I still live with Monty in his dead grandmother's house. Monty is still ok, though I don't think we are as close as we used to be. I still think he is tops, but I have learned quite a few of his faults, and it makes him a little less untouchable. Normally when I get to this stage with friends, I distance myself, because their faults are usually un-tolerable. Monty is great. I couldn't imagine not being his friend. But I have a feeling events are going to unfold eventually that might make it hard to stay friends with him. But I will get to that later. I also live with Monty's token pussy. She is a nice girl, but I still think Monty needs to move to girls that intellectually stimulate him, or he is just going to keep getting tired of them. Also there is Michael. Michael was in the first band I was in here in Utah, and he's stuck around. He's a great guy. A little fucked up, but aren't we all? Michael lives with us in Dead GramGrams house. We often have quite the fun. The parties we hold sometimes rival Ice parties. Speaking of which, I only have contact with one Icer anymore. I talk to Jabari online. That's about it for friends really.

I figure I would mention Erin last, because she is going to end up taking up the most room. Erin and I have been together for over a year and a half. We have both been through some major shit together. She is the most fantastic girl I have ever dated. When Caty and I broke up, I thought that no girl would ever measure up to her, and none of them did, even the one I was with for 5 years, until I met Erin. And I met her in Utah? Go figure. I have a strange feeling that Erin and I will last till I die. And if we don't, I think I will be through with relationships for good. I know I have said that before, and trust me, I tried to exercise it. Then I met Erin. Erin has had a hard year, and I am glad I could be there for her. Her dad died of cancer, shortly after, she found out that she was adopted, and her biological mom ended up being her half-sister. Or at least who she thought was her half-sister. Anyway, there really is too much to be said here. I love her like I have never loved a human being. Ever.

That about wraps it up for friends and love life.

Health. Here is the good one. Past year and a half(about how long it's been since my last journal entry) I have had a fucked up ride. You know, my life was fairly exciting in it's early stages. I did a lot between the ages of 8 and 24. And I still talk about a lot of it. But lately, my life has been getting quite dull. But my faltering health seems to have picked up the excitement. I think in one of my journals I mentioned that I got Kidney Stones. Well that was just the beginning. After I drove Melisa to break up with me, I lost a lot of weight. As some of you probably know, I topped out at like 305. A weight that I used to say if I ever reached, I'd hope one of my friends would just shoot me.

Well after Melisa was out of the picture...I started losing weight. With not much to do in Utah, I started working out, and doing crappy diets and whatnot, and eventually the quick weight loss combined with a few bad eating habits gave me kidney stones. Well I kept most of it, (just cut down on the tea, I was drinking like 64-128oz of tea a day when I got the kidney stones) and dropped all the way down to 230. I hadn't weighed that little since I dated Caty. I was eating a lot of fatty foods, high cholesterol, I was not eating any sugars, or processed flour or rice. And then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. It started off feeling like a cold...I was feeling kinda weak, and woosey. By the end of the week, I had to take off work, cause the woosey had gotten really bad, I felt like I was drunk. And I started having to sleep like 10-18 hours a day. Also the side of my face started getting numb. I was thinking, inner ear infection. I have been more sick in Utah, than I have ever been in my life. So I figured, what the hell. It started on Sunday...by Thursday, I had to go see the doctor. The doctor did a few tests, mumbled something about a stroke, and sent me to the hospital to get an MRI, went back to the Doctor, and they said I needed to go back and have an MRA. Went back at had an MRA, and then just went home and waited for the results. I was just about to dig into a burrito, when I got a call from one of the nurses at the clinic, stating I had a stroke, and I needed to goto an emergency room. Ugh, it was a nightmare. I felt like I was drunk all the time, no coordination, I could barely walk. And they did a barrage of tests on me, and couldn't figure out why I had had a stroke. I was wishing I was in Houston, for the better medical attention. Well everything healed, I started gaining back coordination, and bam, I had another one. I had 3 total, and the doctors couldn't figure out why. I eventually had to analyze my blood results myself, and through a few creative suggestions, figure out how to stop them. By the 3rd one, they were getting REALLY mild. I did not have a 4th one. I had cured them simply by taking a fish oil supplement. No permanent damage. But I did end up having an inflamed ball joint in my leg for almost a year after. To this day, I can still feel a little of it. But it's no longer debilitating.

Bad part is, I gained back all the weight I lost...for the first 2 months after my strokes, I had to sleep close to 20 hours a day, and moving more than from my bed to the bathroom was out of the question. Well it's over, and now I get to work on getting weight back off again. Leg is ok, energy level is better. Willpower is shot. Ah well. But I am sick of being fat. I've been this way since I was 25-ish.

Future. I think I am going to leave my future plans for a future write up. To summarize, I am coming back to Texas, within the next couple years. But I will write about that later. I've already written a novel as it is.
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