Jan 28, 2006 22:47
Wow, the weeks are flying by! I can't believe it's almost mid-term. I think I'm doing okay. Pulled off a pretty good score on my first test in Sociology. I'll be fine in my Arrest, Search and Seizure class. My instructor for that class is my adviser. Garry's so awesome.
The only thing that sucks is that I'm so tired lately. I'm signed up for 15 credits, but it's no more than I've always signed up for. Maybe I have the winter blues. I want a change. I dyed my hair tonight...the same dark red. I'm sick of it. Next time I think I'll try a dark brown. I want to cut it too. Something.
I got to visit Steve W. Friday. It was fun to sit around and share some laughs with him again. He's so gawdamn funny. It's a privilege to have him as a friend as well as a mentor. Really, he's the one that gave me the inspiration to go back to school.
My mom's birthday was last Sunday. I sent her a card with a super cheesy Elvis portrait on the front. She loves her Elvis. She was really excited about the card.
This weekend is the first chance I've had in a while to just relax. Damn, I need to get out and have some fun too. It's been a while.