Oct 28, 2012 14:42
I want to write a FrostIron fic… it would be a long fic with a thick plot and my usual warnings (so action, blood, violence, romance, sex)… the plotbunny has been living in my brain for a very long time now and is a stubborn little bastard that won’t leave me alone.
Not sure I have enough time for it though… but maybe I should give it a shot.
One of my plot elements have come to reality with all the Iron Man 3 info coming to light… and now everyone will think that I took it from Iron Man 3, but it’s not true, because I had the idea for my fic a lot longer. Maybe I’m just psychic.
My first SPN fic predicted Cas and Crowley working together after all. XD
I am undecided as of yet… anyone would be interested? Those of you who know what kind of stories I usually write maybe know what to expect to a certain level.
Since most of you follow me (friend-ed me) here because of my SPN fanfics, I kinda mean this post as a warning that my next fic (if I have time) will most likely will be Marvel. Most likely this Loki/Tony story I have in mind.
I don't know, SPN season 6 and 7 were not all that good on me on the plotbunny front, now Marvel on the other hand... plenty ideas.
writer's note,
random ramblings