New Day Rising - Chapter Seven

Sep 17, 2012 13:03

Title: New Day Rising (7/10)
Author: scyllaya
Artist: lynndyre
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gabriel/Dean, OCs
Warning(s): graphic sexual content, mentions of past major character deaths, depressed!Dean, some H/C, umm… spiders?
Spoiler(s): none, AU
Word Count: ~ 26 400
Summary: Dean’s life does not look good at all, and that’s putting it mildly. He’s lost everything that he ever cared for. He’s tired of his life, frankly, he’s tired of everything, but things are about to change beyond his imagination. He needs to learn that the world is not the place he believed it to be, and that there is still more to life for him than just guilt and misery. It all starts with an unexpected one-night stand, and a new job at a strange music shop, with an even stranger owner.
Beta: uliamos

Chapter Seven

Dean woke up in Gabriel’s arms, like every morning in the past three days. He was getting used to it. He also didn’t go to work for the last few days. Mr. Nansi didn’t seem to mind. He cursed a lot when Gabriel called him, but that was because Siris messed up his shop, he agreed that Dean needed a little holiday to wrap his mind around everything. Truth to be told, Dean already managed that, so there were magical things and magical people out there, noted. There were supernatural creatures in existence, okay sure, it even sounded logical after Gabriel explained it all. He was not in denial, he was not freaking out, he accepted the fact and moved on, there was nothing to deal with beyond that. He was just surprised by the damn birds, that’s all. Now he knew how it happened, he was pissed at the chick, but not scared. It would take more than a few birds to scare him. Gabriel told him that it was more than exceptional that he accepted everything this easily. Dean just shrugged. After all, what would it change if he ran his mind in circles about it? Not a damn thing. It would all exist even then, so it made a lot more sense to just nod and move on.

The reason he needed the time home was because of the things he told Gabriel. This was the first time he talked to anyone about it and it tore open old wounds. He felt drained and he was grieving again, the loss of his family painful yet again. It never stopped hurting, but it quieted down into a dull ache over time, but talking about it turned that back into a sharp ache. He needed time to get himself back together, that’s all.

‘It’s Saturday,’ Gabriel said. Dean blinked open his eyes and looked up at him.


‘Ostara Feast… still up for it or…’

‘Oh… I don’t know,’ he really didn’t. It’s been a few days, he felt better, but a party. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. ‘Not really in a party mood.’

‘It’s not a party per se, it’s a feast. Large tables full with food, musicians in the corner, people chatting and drinking, then when they get drunk sometimes dancing and… some fist-fights… and all that,’ Gabriel explained. ‘I have to be there, but you don’t have to come if you’re not feeling up to it.’

Dean thought about it. ‘Actually, it might do me some good to get out a little… and food is a pretty great motivator.’

‘Oh trust me, awesome food and desserts.’


‘Mmmaybe,’ Gabriel smiled knowingly.

‘Okay, why not… I really need to get my mind off of things. This sounds like just the thing that can help me.’

‘Alright, awesome!’ Gabriel beamed. ‘Pack a bag and I’ll make breakfast.’

‘A bag?’

‘Yeah, I told you… it’s the weekend,’ Gabriel said.

‘The whole weekend?’ Dean asked in surprise. ‘I thought it was a one night thing.’

‘Nope… we can have breakfast, take a shower, then jump in the car and go. We’re gonna stay till Sunday evening.’

‘Oh, wow… okay… road-trip and a feast…’ he thought about it. ‘That sounds even better actually.’ It’s been so long since he managed to take the Impala to a longer ride, way too long. Now that the prospect was in front of him, he was eager to let the engine roar and get out of town. He didn’t even realise how much he missed doing that (gas was expensive after all, he couldn’t afford spontaneous road-trips for a long time).

Gabriel grinned, then rolled out of bed to head to the kitchen. Dean went to take a shower. He actually had a good feeling about this.

Dean never wondered why he never saw Gabriel’s car before. He was pretty sure he was a cab kinda guy after a while, but now he knew better. Gabriel didn’t need a car with his fancy magic keys in his pocket. They didn’t even need to drive right now, but Dean recognized it for what it was. Gabriel knew he liked driving, so they drove instead of using magic doors. It already did wonders to Dean’s mood. As soon as they were out of the city and on the long road, he felt a lot more alive. His head was clearing out and his spirit was lifting. Music was coming from the speakers and the windows were rolled down letting in fresh spring air. Gabriel was stretched out on the other side of the front seat, all leisure limbs and easy smile, sunglasses on his nose while wind swept through his golden hair. Yes, Dean felt positively good about this.

‘So… am I gonna see some familiar faces?’ Dean asked.

‘Oh yeah, plenty. You met a lot of them in the shop.’

‘Some won’t like me then.’

‘Now why would you think that?’

‘Well, the kind of bitchfaces they pulled when I didn’t give them their packages without payment upfront, were spectacular.’

Gabriel laughed.

‘Nah, quite the opposite. If you would’ve been stupid enough to believe them, then they would dislike you. You were smart, smart is sexy.’ He turned towards him and wiggled his eyebrows.

Dean kept his eyes on the road for a moment, not knowing how to react for a second. Out of all the things he’s been complimented on in his life, “smart” was definitely not one of them. He’s had “hot” and “pretty” or “strong”, sometimes even “brave” or back in the day “nice”, but never “smart” or anything like it.

‘What’s going on behind that pretty face of yours, Dean-o?’ Gabriel asked after a moment.

‘Nothing,’ Dean replied. It didn’t matter. Gabriel sometimes complimented him on the weirdest things. Like “easily expanding mind” or “You have heart”, whatever those were supposed to mean. Sometimes he went into details, like he listed his favourite things; the freckles on Dean’s nose or the curve of his lips, or his long thick eyelashes. With anyone else, Dean would’ve been annoyed. He’s been called “girly” or “delicate” way too many times when he was younger. It was a nightmare, to deal with his “girly looks” and his sexual preferences at the same time. Especially, since his father was a traditional big manly macho guy. His Dad was no close-minded thug, he was more than liberal enough in most things, but he was still a role model Dean couldn’t live up to, no matter how much he tried. He wished he could’ve just sat down with his Dad and talked to him about everything honestly, just once before he died. Dean never was completely “in the closet” per se, but it was also not something anyone talked about in his family. They all had a mutual “don’t ask, don’t tell” thing going on. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he was not okay with that. He wished he could’ve told them that.

‘You wanted to clear your head and relax, remember?’ Gabriel said suddenly.

‘I am,’ Dean replied.

‘Riiight… That’s why I see that big frown on your face then.’


‘You don’t need to apologize, bucko. I just want you to enjoy yourself, just relax and get your mind off of things.’

‘I’m trying,’ Dean said. He did try, his mind just went back to his family constantly.

‘Would a blowjob help?’ Gabriel asked simply. Dean congratulated himself for keeping the car steady.

‘You serious?’

‘Yeah sure,’ shrugged Gabriel. ‘Pull over.’

Dean looked at him and well, look at that, he definitely looked serious, so he pulled over as soon as he could. Gabriel was on him a split second later.

Dean was considerably more relaxed by the time they arrived to their destination in the early afternoon (the blowjob helped a lot with that, and Gabriel looked way too pleased with himself because of it). They didn’t drive that far from St. Louis, just a little over 200 miles, they didn’t leave the state though, even if the south state line was close. In the end they were far away from any form of civilization. The last town Dean saw was a while back and this house (huge enormous house) was out in a forest in the middle of nowhere. If he didn’t trust Gabriel he would be suspicious by now. It looked like such a perfect horror movie location, especially with the thick woods around them.

The place itself was not ominous though, it would’ve been hard for it to look actually scary with all the newly blooming flowers on the ground and on the trees everywhere. Their scent was heavy and pleasant in the air. Dean liked March, it was not cold, but still cool and crispy and if the sun was shining it was absolutely perfect. He could wear his favourite leather jackets without being either too cold or too hot, and it didn’t rain as much as in the fall. Seriously, best month in the year.

The Impala was not the only car parked on the pebbled front yard, she was most definitely the best looking one though. The other cars were either small coupes or trucks, all of them old. Dean felt pride bubbling up in his chest as he compared his baby to the rest, she was a true beauty that was for sure.

‘You want me to leave you two alone?’ Gabriel asked teasingly after Dean stared at his car for way too long. Dean just gave him a look and got his bag out of the car.

‘You didn’t bring a bag,’ Dean realized as he looked at Gabriel.

‘No need, I got clothes here.’

‘You own this place?’ Dean asked.

‘Partially… me and some others.’ Dean looked at the giant wooden house again.

‘That’s awesome,’ he admitted.

They walked up the pathway towards the house with nothing but the sound of birds chirping in the distance as company. It was pleasant. It reminded Dean of his childhood, when he would join his Dad on his hunting trips to South Dakota, he could never get himself to shoot a deer, but it was fun nonetheless. By the time Sammy was old enough to go with them his Dad stopped going to hunting trips. He got into an argument with his friend Bobby, and he was too stubborn to go back and talk to him again. Dean wasn’t even sure if Bobby knew his Dad was dead, maybe he should go to South Dakota sometime and visit the man, he liked him when he was a kid.

Just before they could walk up the stairs to the porch, the house’s front door banged open and a dark-haired woman dashed outside.

‘Loki!!’ she shouted with a bright smile and leaped down the stairs jumping on Gabriel and enveloping him in a giant hug. Gabriel was fast enough to catch her and wrap his arms around her to keep her up and stop them from falling. Dean blinked at the scene in surprise, how she was clinging to Gabriel tightly, obviously overjoyed to see him. Gabriel looked somewhere between happy and slightly irritated, which was an interesting combination. Then Dean’s thoughts suddenly ground to a halt.

Did she just call him Loki?

‘Alright… okay… you’re happy… that’s enough,’ Gabriel spoke up after a moment and put her down to the ground. She let go of him easily enough, her dark curls bouncing as she moved. They looked at each other for another moment then both of them turned towards Dean who had a frown on his face.

‘Sooo… here’s the lucky boy,’ she stated, looking him over.

‘Be nice,’ Gabriel told her.

‘Always,’ she answered. Dean had a hundred questions in his mind all of a sudden, most of them about the chick standing way inside Gabriel’s personal space, but he pushed those questions aside. He was good at focusing on important things after all, and one question was louder in his head than all the others.

‘Did she just call you “Loki”?’ he asked, still frowning. There might’ve been a lot of things he did not know about the world, especially about all this magical-supernatural crazy train, but that name he knew. Seriously, who didn’t?

The dark-haired woman looked at him for another moment, unreadable expression on her face. ‘Ooooh…. I’m sorry,’ she said glancing at Gabriel. She didn’t sound that apologetic though, not even a little bit.

‘Just get back inside,’ Gabriel told her and she did. Dark locks bouncing again as she hurried up the stairs and went back inside.

Gabriel took a large breath then stepped closer and took Dean’s hand, tugging him away from the stairs, following the path leading to the back of the house.

‘Gabriel--’ Dean started.

‘I’ll explain it all, but we better just sit down and--’ Dean stopped and Gabriel was forced to stop too because of it. He turned back and looked at Dean.

‘I’m not moving until you answer this: Are you Loki?’ he asked.


‘I’m serious, are you… some sort of god? Immortal creature… or whatever the proper “magic-world” term is?’ He waited for a moment, Gabriel still hesitated. ‘Are you Loki?!’

‘Yes!’ he answered finally. ‘Yes, I am.’ He repeated.

Dean looked at him. A god… a real flesh and blood deity… something… not human… that was just… he really needed a moment.

‘I want to tell you… will you listen?’ Gabriel - Loki - asked.

It took a moment for Dean to answer, but then he nodded. ‘Yeah… okay.’ Gabriel smiled a little at that and started walking again, not letting go of Dean’s hand.

He followed because… he was so alone before… and he owed him so much… so he could listen.

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fic: new_day_rising, debriel minibang, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, au, supernatural

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