New Day Rising - Chapter Five

Sep 17, 2012 12:56

Title: New Day Rising (5/10)
Author: scyllaya
Artist: lynndyre
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gabriel/Dean, OCs
Warning(s): graphic sexual content, mentions of past major character deaths, depressed!Dean, some H/C, umm… spiders?
Spoiler(s): none, AU
Word Count: ~ 26 400
Summary: Dean’s life does not look good at all, and that’s putting it mildly. He’s lost everything that he ever cared for. He’s tired of his life, frankly, he’s tired of everything, but things are about to change beyond his imagination. He needs to learn that the world is not the place he believed it to be, and that there is still more to life for him than just guilt and misery. It all starts with an unexpected one-night stand, and a new job at a strange music shop, with an even stranger owner.
Beta: uliamos

Chapter Five

Dean woke up suddenly, drenched in sweat, muscles tense and a shout on his lips. He just tried to breathe and get his heart rate under control for several moments, the outside world not even registering in his brain. That’s why he didn’t notice Gabriel leaning over him, his golden eyes bright as ever even in the dim-lit twilight of Dean’s bedroom.

‘Sorry,’ he managed to say after a while. He put an arm across his eyes, willing the last scrapes of the nightmare to vanish from his mind.

‘Nothing to be sorry about,’ Gabriel answered. He was trailing his hand soothingly up and down Dean’s stomach and it kinda helped. His muscles slowly relaxed again as he just breathed deeply. Gabriel was always chatty, but this time he stayed silent, Dean was grateful.

‘Are you some kind of a mafia godfather?’ Dean asked then out of the blue. Gabriel laughed.

‘Where did that come from?’ he asked.

‘I’m distracting myself,’ Dean shrugged. He had to get his mind to stop thinking about the memories that were clawing at the inside of his skull. Gabriel thankfully didn’t push it and allowed Dean to change the line of conversation.

‘No… I am not,’ he said simply. Dean could hear in his voice that he was smiling.

‘I’m just saying… you like… know everybody, people like… do stuff for you all the time, and all of them are weirdly respectful. I mean, Nansi’s your friend, but even he’s all “Mr. Loge” too. I didn’t hear anyone ever call you Gabriel, well… besides me.’

‘And people can only get respect in a mafia?’ Gabriel asked with a chuckled.

‘No, but… I don’t even know what you do for a living,’ Dean settled on, realizing this just now. He put his arm down so that he could look at Gabriel.

‘This and that… I’m sort of a freelancer,’ Gabriel said.

‘And how’s that working out?’

‘Good, I got a lot of connections… it’s kinda vital. I always know where to ask for what and whom to talk to get things done. I know people, that’s my main skill.’

‘And is that like legal or not… or somewhere in-between?’ Dean asked, then continued before it could sound bad. ‘Not judging or anything. I did a lot of in-between stuff in my life, some were downright illegal, no point arguing about that… so I’m just curious.’

‘Why?’ Gabriel asked in return.

‘Just cause… can’t I know more about you?’ he asked. ‘Because dude… this… thing we’ve got going… it’s been like six weeks now… so I guess I kinda wanna know more.’

‘Does that mean you’re also willing to tell more?’ Gabriel asked.

Dean had to think about that for a moment, but let’s be honest, it was fair.

‘Yeah… yeah sure… if you’re interested.’

Dean was never one to share… anything. Not stories and most definitely not emotions. But for so long now he’s been alone, completely and utterly alone, and nobody knew who he was. They assumed and they guessed, but they didn’t know, they didn’t ask, and Dean didn’t offer. He always thought that he was a lone-wolf type, someone who enjoyed the wide stretch of the road and could be content with nothing else for company but his car and a classic rock tape. He was wrong. The loneliness ate at him slowly, but surely. He always had someone… his family may have been anything but perfect, but they were there. They were always there, family’s not something you can just separate from and no matter what happened he always had them… well, Sammy at least.

He didn’t manage to figure out what was causing him the most pain until he finally had someone on his speed-dial again. He always thought that it was only grief and guilt that was suffocating him, but it was more. Those were still there, they would never be gone, but some part of him uncoiled and started to heal by having someone who talked with him, ate with him, shared his bed… shared his life. That took him to realize: he always hated to be alone.

But Gabriel was not family, they didn’t have an inherit bond that could not be shredded. He heard such bonds could be built, he never believed in it, sounded too much like something only naïve people believed in. But he’s been so alone, and Gabriel gave him so much, he wanted to believe it could be built. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.

‘Is this a relationship?’ he asked.

‘No offense, but you’re a little slow, if you’re only just getting that now,’ Gabriel answered in a light tone.

‘I’ve never had one of those before,’ Dean answered.

‘Oh Dean, Dean, Dean… let me make it clear then,’ Gabriel said and rolled on top of him. Dean spread his legs to make room for him and the other man settled in there. Gabriel put his hands on either side of Dean’s head and looked down at him with his mesmerizing golden eyes.

‘You and I, Dean Winchester, belong together now,’ he said and lowered his hips to press closer. They comfortably fitted together now. Gabriel put his weight on one arm so he could reach out and stroke the scar and the side of Dean’s face. ‘You’re mine now, and unless you want to run away, I plan to keep you. I want your kisses to only belong to me. I want every breath and every sound you make. I want your eyes to look upon me always; I want them to burn with want only for me. I want to be the only one to touch you, the only one to fill you and take you in all the ways you need it.’

Dean moved his hips now, rolling them up to get friction for them both, getting hard at the feel of that and the sweet possessive words.

‘But not just that…’ Gabriel continued. ‘I want you to be the only one to touch me, to hold me, to burn me up,’ Gabriel was moving his hips now too, slowly, but with intent, his eyes still locked with Dean’s. ‘Because Dean… if you belong to me… I’ll give you everything too.’

Dean put his arms around him, one hand on the small of his back, the other around his neck. Gabriel leaned down and nipped at his neck, his mouth leaving a wet trail on his skin, Dean tilted his head back to give him more room.

‘Are you mine, Dean? Tell me,’ Gabriel asked. This Dean knew well, Gabriel loved to hear it.

‘Yes,’ he answered. ‘Of course I am.’

‘Say it.’

‘I’m yours,’ he said without hesitation then turned his head to capture Gabriel’s lips. Their kiss was deep and heated, mouths clashing, tongues meeting, teeth biting sensitive lips. Dean buried a hand in Gabriel’s hair while their hips still moved together. When their kiss ended they did not move away, but stayed right there only a breath away.

‘I said it… now show me it’s true,’ Dean said and Gabriel dived in for another kiss.

Dean let Gabriel take charge like he almost always did. Let him open him up and show him how much he meant it. Dean was not good with words - he used to be - but he was always better at showing what he felt rather than forming the right words to express himself. Gabriel seemed to understand. Gabriel could see the smile that he could not show with his lips. Gabriel could understand what even a simple touch meant. Gabriel could hear his unspoken words. He knew what it meant the way Dean’s body relaxed and opened for him. He understood the importance of the way Dean wrapped his arms around him.

‘More,’ Dean breathed out when the feel of Gabriel’s fingers within him was too much to bear and not enough to satisfy him. Gabriel didn’t tease, not this time, and soon Dean felt his thick length pushing past the slick and loosened muscle. He didn’t really remember when they stopped using condoms exactly, but he knew he liked it better this way. He was more than glad to feel Gabriel directly. It always felt overwhelming, this moment always did, but more so with Gabriel. Dean couldn’t explain it, the heat of Gabriel’s body above him and inside him was simply too much and Dean could never figure out why it felt different, why it felt like more than it did with anyone before him.

Not like he cared. Not with the way he was spread open and filled, Gabriel buried as deep inside him as possible. Dean tightened his hold on the other man, who started to move in answer, understanding Dean’s wordless demand. Dean couldn’t keep in the deep sound of pleasure when Gabriel pulled almost all the way out, then pushed right back in, just the right side of forceful, just fast enough for Dean to feel it while sparing him of any real pain. Dean tilted his hips up, as much as he could in his position, to welcome him, to help Gabriel get deeper. The movement was repeated a few times, then Gabriel let go, the pace and strength of his thrusts increasing rapidly as soon as Dean was loose and relaxed enough to be able to handle it.

Dean couldn’t focus his mind on anything from that point on, he lost himself in the feel of Gabriel’s body, like always. He was aware of his touches, his kisses, his heavy breath and occasional moans, but that was all. He was never even aware of the sounds falling from his own lips, not like he cared how he sounded like. It was one of the most glorious things about being taken, that he could let go, completely and utterly, he could let his body move instinctively, freely of any of the dark thoughts that clouded his mind constantly. He could just switch off his brain and focus on the hot slide of Gabriel’s cock inside of him and the bruising grip of his hands on his hips. He could let go in a way he could not in any other way.

He noticed it when Gabriel’s rhythm faltered, so he wrapped his legs around him tighter, urging him on, faster, deeper, wanting him to drive both of them to completion. His own dick felt just as hard as Gabriel’s felt like inside of him, but he didn’t reach down to touch himself, the warm press of Gabriel’s stomach was enough. Hell, he was sure that he could come just from the feel of Gabriel’s cock inside of him, especially with the way his body shuddered with ecstasy and his muscles trembled every time the thick head pressed just the right place.

His bed was creaking and Dean’s moans grew louder and louder as he got closer to his climax. Gabriel’s thrusts were hard and fast now, he was close too, but Dean lost it first. His muscles locked up and his senses exploded. Gabriel groaned at the extra tightness around his dick. The feel of Dean’s warm come coating their stomachs was secondary, and neither of them paid attention to that. Dean was still riding the wave of pleasure, his body not yet relaxing, when Gabriel followed him over the edge, he stopped after a handful of hard thrusts, staying buried deep inside Dean as his seed coated his insides in hot spurts.

They stayed in each other’s embrace, still connected, for quite a while. Gabriel slipped out when he softened, but only rolled off of Dean after they shared a long and lazy kiss. As his breathing slowed down Dean became aware of the warm sticky mess on his stomach and inside of him, he also felt it dripping out of his hole. He felt utterly and completely dirty and debauched, covered in sweat and come, lying on the wrinkled sheets with his legs still mostly open, most definitely a slutty image, not that he didn’t like it. He’s never been ashamed of his body, and the one thing he never felt guilty about was his pleasure. Gabriel certainly liked it too, if the look on his face was anything to go by.

‘We still have a few hours before we need to get up,’ Gabriel remarked. ‘Wanna get cleaned up and sleep some or…?’

He let that trail off, but he didn’t need to finish for Dean to get what he meant.

‘Nah, I think I’m just gonna stay like this for a while,’ he answered. Gabriel hummed in consideration. He slid closer and let his fingers trail lines down on Dean’s cooling skin.

‘That so? You’re really going to stay like this… legs spread wide, all loose and open and slick and… dirty?’ his tone was conversational, but it had a hint of heat in it. His breath was already under control, slow and steady.

Dean hummed in confirmation, raising an arm to put it under his head and Gabriel stroked the muscles that stretched and shifted with the movement.

‘Really now… someone might take advantage of that,’ Gabriel said as he put a kiss on Dean’s neck.

‘I’m counting on it,’ Dean answered and Gabriel’s delighted chuckle told him that it was the perfect thing to say. It didn’t take long for Gabriel’s fingers to find their way back down to Dean’s loose hole that was completely slick with lube and come. They definitely did not get out of bed for quite a few hours after that.

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fic: new_day_rising, debriel minibang, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, au, supernatural

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