New Day Rising - Chapter Three

Sep 17, 2012 12:49

Title: New Day Rising (3/10)
Author: scyllaya
Artist: lynndyre
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gabriel/Dean, OCs
Warning(s): graphic sexual content, mentions of past major character deaths, depressed!Dean, some H/C, umm… spiders?
Spoiler(s): none, AU
Word Count: ~ 26 400
Summary: Dean’s life does not look good at all, and that’s putting it mildly. He’s lost everything that he ever cared for. He’s tired of his life, frankly, he’s tired of everything, but things are about to change beyond his imagination. He needs to learn that the world is not the place he believed it to be, and that there is still more to life for him than just guilt and misery. It all starts with an unexpected one-night stand, and a new job at a strange music shop, with an even stranger owner.
Beta: uliamos

Chapter Three

It was most definitely the weirdest first workday ever. The way Mr. Nansi just left him there should’ve been a warning. Sure, it was weird for the owner to leave the new employee alone like that, but after some thinking he figured, that since Nansi was a friend of Gabriel’s, he probably trusted his judgment enough to leave Dean alone, even on the first day. He probably also had some urgent business to attend to, or maybe it was a test, to see how Dean could handle himself on his own. Maybe both. It didn’t matter, he could handle himself on his own.

He managed to find where to switch the music and decided to put on some fine tunes, rock of course, but nothing loud and heavy. After that he explored the shop with newfound energy. He found an old computer behind the counter, almost hidden completely from view, and while he was not the biggest technical man he could manage Windows… dude, Windows 98. His eyes widened rather comically when he saw that. He may have been a new employee, but he somehow had to get Nansi to get something newer. He said the business was good, so surely he could afford a new notebook or something. Probably the man just didn’t bother with it.

The weirdness factor started when he found the terrariums. He was not a squeamish guy, he didn’t mind bugs and stuff, but fucking spiders… a lot, and big ones. There were 6 separate terrariums altogether on different parts of the shop. One of them had a spider in it that was bigger than Dean’s hand and that was saying something, the legs alone had to be like 12 inches each, it had a dark brown colour, almost black, it had light-brown markings on its legs too. Another glass terrarium had tiny colourful spiders in it, too many to count. A third one had so much spider-web, dirt and branches in it that Dean couldn’t even see the spider - or spiders - in it. He just hoped they were still inside. The rest of the terrariums kinda had normal looking spiders in them, the kind you could find around the house and even in apartments. It looked like maybe they were collected around the shop or something. Also, he really hoped that his job didn’t include feeding them. He was perfectly fine having the glass between him and them, thank you very much.

He found four back-doors, one of them (the brown one) led outside to the back-alley, the second (the yellow one) was a storage room. The third one - red colour - led to an empty room, which was small and smelled like dust and mould, it was nothing but a small dark little hole with one faint light bulb on the ceiling. Maybe it was a second storage room that was not needed. The third door, the bright green coloured one, was locked and he couldn’t open it, none of the keys fit into the lock. It was maybe an office or something which he didn’t need access to. He wondered why he needed so many keys when there were only a few locks all over the place; he had twice as many keys at least. He tried not to ponder on it; he could ask Mr. Nansi later. He was glad to find a small bathroom on the far end of the shop, sink and toilet, nothing fancy, but not like more was needed.

Big hairy spiders and colourful doors aside the weirdness factor elevated when the tiny bell above the door signalled the arrival of the first costumer. She was a petite, slender Native American woman with dark hair so long that it almost reached the back of her knees. She merely looked at him with her big dark brown eyes for one long moment before walking to the counter. Dean did his best to not look threatening or dangerous or whatever the hell people usually see him as. Maybe it worked, maybe she just didn’t give a damn, but her expression never changed from amused nonchalance. She asked for her package. Dean tried to think where packages may be, he looked behind the counter, and under it, but not finding anything.

‘Umm… it’s probably in the storage room,’ he said after a while. ‘Could you tell me your name?’

‘Raven,’ she said.


‘Just Raven, you’ll find it,’ she said as her lips curled up into a faint smile.

There was no “Raven” written on any of the boxes and packages in the storage room, but after almost giving up and wanting to tell the lady that she should come back later, he found a small box that had a raven painted on the top. Dean stared at it for a moment, wondering whether his employer was weird enough to paint a raven on a box instead of simply writing the name “Raven” on it. He decided that yes, he most definitely was.

He grabbed the box and took it back outside.

‘This is the one?’ he asked.

‘Most definitely,’ she answered.

‘Okay… did you pay for it already; do you have the bill or something or… whatever?’

She stared at him for a moment, then smiled sweetly.

‘Yes, I did pay for it,’ she said.

‘Sure you got some bill then,’ Dean prompted. It was her package alright, but he had absolutely no clue what was inside or whether it’s been paid for. He didn’t wanna screw up on his first day.

‘No, but I did pay for it,’ she said again, still smiling.

‘Yeah, I get that, but I’m new and I can’t just give this to you without something that proves that you paid for it… hold on, let me check the computer,’ he said suddenly, remembering that stuff like this is usually written down on some list or something. Probably even the order is there somewhere, he could check. He turned to do so.

‘Well, you can tell Nansi that I took it and he will know that I paid,’ she said.

‘Yeah, but he’s not here right now, so I can’t give it to you before I check,’ Dean answered. He wished he had Nansi’s phone number at least, he could call him then.

‘I’m an old costumer… he will know all is well,’ she said. ‘You can trust me.’

Dean looked up at her. The woman was leaning on the counter, face all open and innocent, eyes huge and brown, and her smile was sweet and friendly. Dean frowned. There was something about her that made the back of his brain itch with some sort of unknown thought, it was nagging at him. He didn’t know why, she was cute and tiny, completely harmless looking. No… nobody was harmless, Dean reminded himself. That innocent face just rubbed him in the wrong way, or maybe he was just too used to shady people.

‘I hope you’re not making trouble for Dean-o on his first day,’ interrupted someone before he could speak again. Dean turned towards the door, while Raven huffed and rolled her eyes so hard that her eyeballs looked like they wanted to fall out of their sockets. Gabriel stood there, door open behind him. She must’ve left it open, cause Dean didn’t hear the bell above the door clinking. Gabriel closed the door behind himself, the little bell jingled this time, and he strolled into the shop. Easy confidence, like he owned the place or something.

The man walked up the counter and leaned on it next to the woman and turned towards her with a playful smirk.

‘Gimme,’ he said and held out his hand towards her. She huffed again and reached into her bag searching for something. After a moment she handed over a smaller brown package and put it in Gabriel’s hand. She didn’t look like she wanted to do it though. Gabriel smiled at her widely and slid the package across the counter and pulled the box with the raven on it closer before sliding it to her.

The woman mumbled something under her nose before grabbing the box and leaving without a word. The door jingled again as she left and Dean was left alone with Gabriel.

‘Hi,’ he said finally, finding his voice.

‘Hey there, big boy,’ Gabriel grinned as he turned towards him. Dean walked back to the counter and picked up the small brown package.

‘I thought barter trade was out of style for the past… centuries,’ he remarked.

‘Yeah well,’ Gabriel shrugged. ‘There are more valuable things than money,’ he said. ‘Put that under the counter, Nansi will find it there.’

The way Gabriel pronounced “Nansi” made Dean remember the little rant he heard earlier about Nansi being Nancy, from Gabriel’s mouth it sounded like something in-between the two.

‘If this was not supposed to be the payment, I’m gonna blame you,’ he said, then put the package under the counter. Gabriel chuckled, but didn’t reply.

‘So… you like your new job?’ he asked after a moment of silence.

‘Yeah, about that… what even dude?’ He asked. ‘You’ve known me for a day, hell not even a full day, and you get me a job? I don’t even remember talking about my job problem.’

They talked about a lot of things though and they drank a lot too, so that was not strange. It was strange that Gabriel remembered and did something to help. People didn’t just do that, not without expecting something in return.

Gabriel shrugged again.

‘Nansi needed a new guy, you needed a job. Seemed like a fine idea,’ he answered.

Fine idea, well sure, if one ignored the fact that Dean has never worked in a music shop before, or any shop for that matter, and that he was very shitty at interacting with people. Fine idea.

‘So…’ Gabriel drawled. ‘Settling in alright?’

It was Dean’s turn to shrug.

‘Yeah sure, I don’t know… I mean, I watch the place and all that, but I got no clue about most instruments here and I still couldn’t find the price list… I can’t open the green door… and the spiders are kinda staring at me all the time…’

‘Yeah, you gotta get Groot to like you, the other’s gonna fall in line after that,’ Gabriel answered.

‘What?’ blinked Dean.

Gabriel chuckled again then started walking to the other side of the shop motioning Dean to follow. It became petty clear that he was heading towards one of the terrariums, not just any, but the one with the big-ass spider in it. Dean only just caught up with him when he noticed that Gabriel was about to open the top of the glass cage.

‘Wha-what are you doing?’ he interrupted right away.

‘Getting Groot out,’ Gabriel replied simply. His innocent face would’ve been more convincing if his golden eyes weren’t shining with mischief.

‘Dude… no. Just no,’ Dean said firmly.

‘Relax, he doesn’t bite… much,’ he added a beat later as he turned back towards the terrarium. The huge-ass spider - Groot - already climbed up to one of the branches that were inside, getting closer to the top.

‘Hey there big fella,’ Gabriel greeted when he finally slid the grid on the top to the side and reached inside to take the spider in his hand. Dean reflexively took a step back. It was huge! Especially held by Gabriel, the man’s hands looked tiny when those thick hairy spider legs covered his fingers. Dean suppressed a shudder.

‘Groot, this is Dean,’ Gabriel said with a mischievous smile. ‘Dean, say hey to Groot.’

He was so just screwing with him, the bastard.

‘Um… isn’t it poisonous?’ Dean asked.

‘Relatively harmless,’ Gabriel answered.

‘Relatively?’ Dean asked.

‘Well, it would hurt like a bitch, but it wouldn’t kill you,’ Gabriel replied with a grin. Yeah, that was reassuring. ‘It’s always the small ones you need to look out for,’ he added. ‘Here, hold him.’

‘No thanks,’ Dean replied.

‘Come on! No need to worry, look how fluffy he is.’ He said the last bit with childish delight.

‘No, seriously, I don--’ It was useless to protest though because the next thing he knew Gabriel was way inside his personal space and big fluffy - scary, creepy - Groot was put on his shoulder. Dean mentally patted himself on the shoulder for not shrieking like a little girl and did the only sensible thing a man could do in his position to hold on to his dignity… he froze. He probably stopped breathing for a while too. Oh, he hated Gabriel so much right now, job or no job.

His torture lasted only for a little while. Groot seemed content to just perch on his shoulder and poke at his neck with a hairy leg for a little while, as if it tried to get a reaction out of him. Dean didn’t move and finally Gabriel snickered and took Groot off of him.

‘Okay, he likes you,’ Gabriel declared with a bright smile and put the spider back into his cage after petting him.

‘You fucking bastard,’ Dean breathed out. Gabriel put the grid back in place and looked at him with a glint in his eyes.

‘Speaking of fuc--’

‘You cannot honestly expect to get laid after putting me through spider-torture,’ Dean answered and Gabriel snickered again. Dean should’ve been more pissed at him.

‘Groot’s a big softy, no worries, if I put Lucy on your shoulder… now that would’ve been mean.’

‘Which one’s Lucy?’ Dean asked out of morbid curiosity. Gabriel pointed at the full terrarium, the one where Dean couldn’t see the spider.

‘She’s a wolf spider and she’s usually in a snappy mood… looves to bite.’

‘Good to know,’ Dean said.

They were silent for a while. Gabriel was observing him and Dean had nothing to say either. It was like a belated morning-after.

‘Thanks for the job,’ Dean said finally. He felt it was in order.

‘You’re welcome,’ Gabriel smiled again. Less sharp, and warmer, and it somehow untangled something in Dean’s stomach. It made him relax and breathe out.

‘C’mon… I’ll find you that price list, then we can talk about the special orders. I had a hunch Nansi would leave you here like this, the old bastard, but you better know your way around here, Raven’s not the only… tricky customer.’

Gabriel did help him after that, and just like last night he didn’t make anything out of Dean not laughing at his jokes and not returning his smiles. After an hour Dean wanted to rethink his decision about inviting him home, despite the spider-thing. He found himself looking at Gabriel’s smiling lips, and thought about their taste and the way it felt to have them on his skin. He listened to Gabriel talk and laugh, and he thought about all the things the other man whispered to him, all the delicious dirty things he uttered. He caught his scent, and remembered the taste of his skin. He looked at the way Gabriel turned the pages of Nansi’s price book, and he remembered the strong and confident fingers digging into his flesh and exploring his body. He licked his lips absentmindedly.


‘Sorry, what was that?’ he asked, blinking a few times and willing himself not to get hard, he was losing that battle though.

Gabriel smirked at him knowingly and let his eyes wander over Dean’s body languidly, that really didn’t help him to stay calm.

‘Do call me later, if you’re not too busy tonight,’ he said in a low promising tone after his eyes locked with Dean’s again. The younger man just nodded. His mouth was dry and he was utterly unable to say no.

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fic: new_day_rising, debriel minibang, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, au, supernatural

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