Heart in a riot

Mar 03, 2012 14:45

Title: Heart in a riot (8/13)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gabriel/Dean, Castiel, Sam in later chapters
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slavery, graphic sexual content [light dub-con (slavery), mild D/S (master-slave)], cursing, blood [graphic injury], mentions of violence
Spoilers: none, AU
Summary: In a time where the creatures of the Five Worlds rule and control everything; humanity has fallen into slavery many years ago, with only a few willing to still fight for them. Dean Winchester awaits his seemingly grim future in an auction house, which is achingly similar to the one where his brother was torn away from him thirteen years ago. He doesn’t realize how the second the hammer falls down, it’s not only his fate that is sealed. He unknowingly lands in a life where he may have a chance to help change not just his own future, but the fate of humanity as well.
Word Count: ~ 55 000
Author’s Notes: Title from ‘30 Seconds to Mars’ - Hurricane (yeah, sue me, I like this song, it fits the fic XD)

Written for the
gabriel_bigbang 2012.

(8) January

It was the second morning Sam opened his eyes and he still found himself in his brother’s room, lying on a spacious comfortable bed. He couldn’t help it, he was sure that he would wake up every single morning for a while expecting to not be there. All of this was sudden, unexpected and had way too many vague details.

The second he recognized his brother was the single most amazing moment he had in his life in a long while. Just seeing him, especially seeing him alive and well, would’ve been enough for Sam, just knowing that his brother was fine. But Dean rushing back to him and taking him away from there, he could barely comprehend it. He had a lot of questions he did not ask yet. The day before they mostly just talked without talking about anything, both of them just happy to have the other around Sam presumed.

Unlike yesterday morning he did not wake up to his brother sleeping on the floor next to him. Sam felt bad for taking his place when Dean stretched with a groan, but his brother brushed him off. It was like he didn’t change at all, sure he looked older, but the frown was the same on his face when he woke up and so was his smile and the warmth in his eyes. Sam had no words to express how much he missed him.

This time Dean was not in the room though, as Sam well knew he wouldn’t be. Dean told him yesterday afternoon, or more like just dropped it like an offhand remark, that he was staying in the other bedroom on most nights anyways, so Sam was free to sleep in his bed. Sam blinked at him, but shut his mouth before he could say anything. He knew exactly what Dean meant by that remark and Sam didn’t want to pester him to go into details. It twisted his stomach unpleasantly though. It meant they had one of those kinds of masters, Sam was less than thrilled about that, but he figured it could be worse.

They had good food, a room and bathroom to use and Dean told him that their owner was away during the day mostly. Sam didn’t even see him yesterday. Dean made him go to bed early. It was so ridiculous that he was ordered to bed by his brother, but at the same time having Dean tell him such mundane things, like he should eat one more plate of food or take a shower and go to sleep, it was actually pretty great. Everything was screwed to hell before, one day just worst than the other. Then suddenly he had his big brother back, who was just as big of a mother hen as he used to be. It filled Sam with a sense of peace he didn’t feel in a very long time.

He was not completely peaceful though. He got up from bed and first walked over to the bathroom. The residence was silent, so Dean was not up yet either. After Sam got back to the room and took a look at the clock he knew why, it was way too early. Still, Sam didn’t feel like going back to bed, so he went to get dressed. Dean also got him some clothes yesterday, which was strange. He kept staring at the new garments for a long minute, raising his eyebrows, but his brother just smiled in return.

‘You can’t wear those rags 24/7,’ Dean told him simply, gesturing at his clothes.

Sam just frowned at him more, but didn’t argue. Dean chuckled and told him, that he’ll get used to it. Dean looked all-around cheerful, which was good, but definitely not something Sam expected. A happy slave was kind of a paradox after all. He figured Dean was being glad that they had each other again. That made Sam uncharacteristically at ease too actually, but he was nowhere near Dean’s level of chipper attitude. He was glad for his brother not being miserable, but it was still very strange. There were strange things here all around.

He had no idea why Dean’s master decided to buy him, he did not dare to guess until he could talk with Dean about it in detail. But the most unsettling thing was his wounds. He woke up yesterday and he was fine, not just the “fever didn’t manage to kill him again” fine, but completely fine, unnaturally so. No fever, no pain, no wounds, no scars. No nothing. It was unsettling. He asked Dean immediately, but he only shrugged and told him it was medicine.

‘No medicine I’ve ever heard of can make a human heal this quickly,’ Sam argued. Dean leveled him with a look.

‘Have you ever heard what they say about gift horses, Sam?’ he asked. ‘You are checking out the teeth of this one. Don’t.’ He looked completely serious and he was also right, no human led a life where they could afford to question if something good happened to them. Sam didn’t bring it up again, but he couldn’t just forget about it either.

It was the biggest weirdness in a buttload of weird that Sam already picked upon here. The day he was bought he didn’t pay much attention to his new owner, his mind was foggy from the start of his fever and he was in pain, the flight from his old master’s house upset his stomach, so he could only recall vague details about him. He definitely would have to start paying more attention now, even if he could probably ask most things from Dean.

He got out of the room again once he was fully dressed, but he just hovered around in the living room. He pulled the curtains apart to let the faint morning sunlight into the apartment. He saw the house spirit’s skull resting on the mantel shelf, he didn’t ask for the name yet, that would be useful though. He tried to be optimistic about this place, but he really couldn’t. Having his brother back in his life was good, but not enough to put him at ease.

He raised his head with a frown when he caught the sound of a muffled yelp. It took him a moment to realize that it came from towards the master bedroom. He took a few steps closer, frown still firmly in its place, then stopped when he heard a thud this time. He only took two steps closer, finally seeing the door itself when a noise came out - sounding suspiciously like his brother - that cleared up right away what exactly was going on. Sam shut his eyes for a moment then backed off and walked over to the kitchen. His skin crawled with unease again, putting him on edge right away.

He really needed to ask Dean some questions. He did not know enough about anything. He wanted to just trust his brother. Believe that this was a good place, and that they were safe, but this did not include Sam’s definition of “good”. And it’s been too long, too many years they spent separated, and Sam was not ready to trust anyone fully and completely again besides himself just yet.

Dean walked into the kitchen about forty minutes later, freshly showered and dressed.

‘Hey Sammy,’ he greeted with a big smile. ‘Sleep alright?’ he asked as he turned and started making coffee.

‘Yeah, I did. Should I be helping with anything?’ Sam asked.

‘Hm, did you eat yet?’ his brother asked.


‘Okay, you can help. Get the eggs, sausage and let’s see… some cheese and butter. I'll finish the coffee, you can start making some toasts,’ he added and got out some bread from the cupboard.

Sam got up from the table and went to the fridge. He figured he could wait with any of his questions after their owner was gone for the day. He froze and blinked in surprise while getting the eggs and the cheese. He straightened up and turned back at his brother.

‘Are you… humming?’ he asked in disbelief. Dean looked at him then huffed out a small laugh.

‘Yeah, sorry… bad habit,’ he said. Sam frowned as he got the butter.

‘What could possibly get you in a good enough mood to… hum?’ he asked. He knew what was going on not that long ago, that was not something to hum about cheerfully.

‘Nothing out of the ordinary,’ Dean said with another smile.

‘How much toast should I make?’

‘How many pieces do you want?’ Dean asked.

‘We’re making food for ourselves?’ he asked. He was pretty sure they were supposed to make something for their owner first.

‘We’re making food for all of us,’ Dean replied. ‘That’s five pieces plus as many as you want.’

Sam stared at his brother for a moment, but then shrugged it off. He could ask all his questions later.

The toasts and the coffee were done and Dean was making the eggs and sausages so Sam sat back down to the table to wait, not like he had anything to do. He doubted Dean needed any help with this to begin with. This brought back the question of why he was bought. It was troubling.

Then their owner walked into the kitchen so Sam got to his feet. The angel actually stopped and blinked at him, like he forgot he was supposed to be there. Then he continued his way to the counter. Dean turned from the stove and handed a mug of coffee over… with a smile, an actual smile. Seriously, who the hell smiled at their master, ever? Their owner took the mug and started drinking right away.

‘Just sit down, I’m almost done,’ Dean said as he turned back to the frying pan. The angel hummed in a way that Sam couldn’t interpret then leaned to the counter next to Dean, just sipping his coffee standing there. There were a few moments of silence before the golden eyes locked on Sam again.

‘Seesh, sit down would you? My neck’s going to hurt if I have to keep looking up at you,’ he said. Sam obeyed, even if he found the order weird. Their owner turned back towards what Dean was doing and picked up a toast from the plate that was there. He started crunching on it, while sipping his coffee.

‘You want some butter on that?’ Dean asked, not even turning from the pan.

‘Nah,’ their owner shrugged. Then both fell silent again. There was something regular looking in the whole exchange, so Sam figured that this was not something strange around here. Their owner finished his coffee quickly, put the mug down, then took a look at what Dean was preparing.

‘Oh, I like this,’ he said.

Dean chuckled quietly. ‘I know,’ he said.

‘Of course you do,’ their owner remarked and he actually slid his hand to the small of Dean’s back for a moment, stroking the line of skin between his t-shirt and jeans before stepping away from the counter and walking to the table.

‘Are you glaring at me?’ he asked suddenly, his voice still mostly light and it also seemed surprised. Sam looked away, not realizing he was doing it.

‘Of course not,’ he answered and he saw how Dean turned a little and glanced back with a frown.

‘Thought so,’ their owner said. Gone was the curiosity, but his tone remained nonchalant. Sam did read a warning in it, it was best to read a warning in such things.

The angel sat down and Sam stood up from the table right away, the other looked up at him with an unreadable expression.

‘I forgot how jumpy you humans are,’ he said.

‘You gotta give Sammy some time,’ Dean answered, no longer looking at them. He was now putting what looked like scrambled eggs with fried sausages to the plates. Toasts, butter, and cheese on the side. He brought over their owner’s first so Sam walked back to the counter.

‘Am I going have to go through this “sit at the table for crying out loud” nonsense all over again?’ the angel asked and Dean laughed again quietly.

‘Just eat, don’t mind us,’ Dean told him. Sam watched as his brother filled and prepared a second mug of coffee, bringing it to the table as well. Sam felt weird about eating with their master there. The angel just kept looking at Dean.

‘We’re gonna eat later,’ his brother said.

‘Whatever,’ was the only answer.

The rest of the weirdest breakfast of Sam’s life went mostly silently and he was very grateful that their owner was up and gone almost right after. Sam breathed out in relief and Dean laughed at him.

‘What?’ Sam scowled.

‘You don’t need to be so worried around him,’ his brother said.

‘Easy for you to say,’ Sam answered as they walked to the table to get to their breakfast.

‘Okay, so what the hell was that before?’ his brother asked as he sat down. His eyes locked on Sam’s face.


‘What… that glaring, that’s what,’ Dean clarified. ‘What the hell?’

‘S’nothing,’ Sam shrugged.

‘Well, don’t do it then. Why the hell would you glare at Gabriel anyway?’ his brother scowled. No more cheerful mood.

‘It’s just the-- wait what?’ he stopped as he realized what his brother just said.

‘What what?’ Dean looked up again.

‘Gabriel?’ Sam asked. He must’ve heard that one wrong.

‘What about him?’ Dean asked.

‘No way… are you saying, that we belong to Gabriel?’ Sam asked again.

‘Sure you’re feeling alright, Sam?’ Dean looked at him like he was not making any sense.

‘Just… seriously? Gabriel. He’s Gabriel? The Archangel Gabriel?’

‘You didn’t know that already?’ Dean asked.

‘No!’ Sam exclaimed incredulously.

‘I thought I told you that,’ Dean shrugged. Sam gaped at him for a moment.

‘Trust me, I would’ve remembered a minor detail like that we belong to the freaking Archangel Gabriel.’

‘Okay, now you know, what’s with the drama?’ This time around it was Dean who started to look incredulous.

‘Sorry, maybe this is completely old news for you, but you gotta give me some time to digest that I’ve been bought by one of the most powerful beings in the Five Worlds.’

‘Wait, what now?’ Dean blinked, putting his fork down. Sam looked at him for a long moment, trying to figure out what part of his sentence might’ve thrown Dean out of the loop.

‘I don’t follow,’ he settled on finally. ‘What?’

‘What do you mean that Gabriel’s… one of the most powerful beings in the Five Worlds?’ Dean asked. Sam had a fleeting thought that he was being messed with, but looking at his brother’s face he realized after a few moments that no, Dean really had no idea what he was talking about.

‘I don’t believe this,’ he said. Pretty much stunned.


‘You really don’t know. Have you been living in a cave or something?’ Dean rolled his eyes. ‘No, seriously Dean, you’ve been here for quite a time, I just… can’t believe you did not know.’

‘Know what? Start talking Sammy or I’m gonna get pissed now.’

‘Dean, Gabriel is one of the three leaders of Heaven,’ Sam told him. He then watched as Dean’s eyes narrowed then widened drastically, also realizing that he was not being messed with.

‘But… what?’

‘All worlds have their leaders, right?’ Dean didn’t nod or gave any sign that he knew what Sam was talking about, so he kept talking to specify. ‘There’s the King of Hell, the King or Queen of Gods, the King of Fairies, and the Queen of Purgatory.’

‘Okay.’ Dean kept looking at him with a slight frown, waiting for him to continue. Sam couldn’t believe that any of this was new information to his brother.

‘Okay so, Heaven on the other hand has no King, but the three Princes of the Court. I don’t know why, so don’t ask, it’s just how it is. The three princes are the three archangels; Michael, Raphael and Gabriel. Seriously Dean, everyone knows this, how did you not know that?’

‘I don’t know… my late master was a paranoid hermit, his house was out in backwoods middle of nowhere. I didn’t even know what the hell a Spiritline was before I got here. Ok, now I remember that Gabriel was surprised when I didn’t know who he was, but he never said anything… and it’s not like I’m gonna ask out of the blue, for no reason whether he’s a big cheese in Heaven or not. Just…’ He fell silent, looking down and picking at his food, self-conscious maybe.

‘Ok, I was just… surprised.’

‘I’m not an idiot, I pay attention to things, but I can’t know something that never in my life freakin’ came up before.’

‘Alright, got it, sorry,’ Sam put up his hands in a placating gesture.

They kept eating their food in silence for a bit, but Sam had way too many things on his mind to keep his mouth shut for long.

‘What do you think, why didn’t he tell you?’ he asked. Dean looked up again, then shrugged.

‘What difference would it have made if I had known sooner?’ he asked then. ‘It’s not like it’s going to change anything now.’

‘Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,’ Sam agreed. They stayed in silence again for a while, but this time Dean broke it.

‘Ah dammit, there went my carefree good mood,’ he grumbled half-heartedly.

‘No offense, but that was kinda creeping me out,’ Sam admitted.

‘My good mood?’ Dean frowned again. Then picked up his plate and stood up, since he finished eating. ‘Wow, that’s real nice to hear, Sammy really. I did not know that my good mood was so creepy.’

‘No, it’s just… I just didn’t get it.’

‘Get what?’

‘Why you would have a good mood after… y’know.’ Dean turned and leaned to the kitchen-counter, crossing his arms over his chest.

‘Run that by me again,’ he said.

‘Just… y’know, I woke up early, so I… heard… a little of… that.’ Dean looked at him for a moment before it clicked.

‘Oh… that. Right, you’re getting the wrong idea… uh, okay. It’s not like that. There’s nothing weird going on, he’s not hurting me or anything, so don’t think that… hey, so that’s why you were glaring?’ he asked suddenly. Sam didn’t answer, but Dean took his expression as confirmation. ‘Okay, I get it now, should’ve said more about this before.’

Sam looked at his brother carefully. Not like he thought there would be a reason for him to lie, but Sam couldn’t really believe what he was hearing right now.

‘Sam, seriously. I doubt you wanna be talking about this, so just… It’s nothing bad, okay? Not at all… it’s actually pretty good,’ he added a beat later.


‘What?! It is, don’t look at me like that,’ Dean turned around and started loading the dirty dishes in the sink.

‘How could it--’

‘Okay, now I’m the one who doesn’t want to talk about this. Just… don’t go glaring at Gabriel, okay? Cause you don’t have a reason to… cause it’s good. There, I said it, it’s good, it’s un-freakin-believably awesome, my brain is leaking from my ears kinda awesome, and I like it, and not a word Sam. End of discussion.’

Sam just blinked for several minutes while Dean was cleaning up the counter.

‘Bring your plate here if you finished breakfast,’ his brother remarked. Sam really wanted to stop talking about this, but…

‘So… is he going to… want me to…’ he let it trail off, but the question was clear enough, because Dean turned back to him right away.

‘What? No!’ he said immediately.

‘You sure? Did you ask?’ Sam wanted to be relieved, because no matter what Dean said just now, this was something that was making him more than a little wary since yesterday.

‘No,’ Dean answered. ‘But no.’

‘Okay, how do you know?’ Sam pressed.

‘I just do. The answer is no, Sam. A definite no,’ he emphasized. Sam did not fail to notice the tense set of his shoulders, nor the dark look on his face.

‘Okay, fine,’ Sam said. He hoped his brother was right, he really did. ‘I got one more question thought.’

‘Shoot,’ Dean told him after a beat of silence.

‘Do you know why he bought me then? If for nothing like that… I mean, it doesn’t look like there’s much work around the place.’

Dean stayed silent for a few moments, just piling up the dirty things that needed to be washed.

‘Because I asked him to,’ he said finally.

‘Because you asked him to?’ Sam asked right away.

‘Yeah, I saw how you were treated, so I went to him and asked him to get you out of there, so he bought you.’ Dean’s voice was a lot quieter and even gentler than it was a moment ago, so it seemed like he was not uncomfortable talking about this.

‘But why would he do that?’

‘Do you know what day it was the day before yesterday?’ Dean asked him. Sam had to think about it for a moment or two, before he remembered.

‘Your birthday… are you serious, he bought me for your birthday? What, I’m like your present or something?’

‘No, the present was him finding you and taking me there so I could see you,’ Dean told him. ‘The buying you off from that angel and all, that’s just… just that. I asked him to.’

Sam stayed silent this time, thinking that once over in his mind a few times.

‘Doesn’t this make you… uneasy?’ he asked carefully.

‘Why would it?’ his brother asked without turning back.

‘Just… it doesn’t make sense, you know. Why would he lift even a finger?’ Dean sighed in reaction this time.

‘I told you, I asked him and he did it, okay? There’s nothing more to it, he’s just… kind.’

‘Kind? Dean, come on, he’s the Prince of the Heavenly Court. Do you seriously think that he gives a crap about you or what you ask for?’

The moment he said it he realized that he should’ve maybe phrased that differently. The past years didn’t do much good to his optimism and seeing his brother being this trustful towards a creature was sort of frightening.

‘Show some gratitude, Sam,’ Dean answered in a calm tone. ‘And do the dishes,’ he told him curtly and left the kitchen without another word. So that went well.

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fic: heart in a riot, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, au, gabriel bigbang, supernatural

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