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scyllaya November 2 2011, 16:39:24 UTC

That's so good to hear!! So happy you enjoyed the story! So very happy!

I loved writing powerful gloomy doom God!Cas here, he was such dark presence all over the plot, glad that you enjoyed reading him.

Dean and Gabriel... my love for them knows no bounds! They are so perfect for each other, everything one lacks in himself the other has it. And the rest of their personality is exactly the same. x)

Hey, I'm a sucker for a happy ending too. I just can't get enough of the warm fuzzy satisfied feeling I get from it. And I love my two favorites to be happy!
(especially considering how very unlikely is for them to get a happy ending in canon, especially since Gabriel is dead T_T)

Writing always depends on the excitement. Think of a plot, something you want to see happen, something that makes you fired up, like a really awesome episode of the show and imagine how the characters would act and be like while the scenario that you imagined is happening.

Picture it in your head like a movie, run it around, turn it look at it, imagine the conversations that could happen, how the interactions would be like. And once you have even one scene that you are all fired up about then sew the story around it. What leads up to that point? Who will be there? How it will affect them afterwards?

And if you are enthusiastic and excited about it, just start writing. Everything else comes with experience. How well you can describe a place and emotion or a chain of events or emotions. How well you can get "in character" until the words that you write down feel like rolling off the tongues of the character and not you.

There's no recipe, everyone is doing things differently. But being enthusiastic, fired up and excited about it does wonders to your imagination.

Music helps a lot, search for something that fits the mood of the story and close your eyes to just picture the characters living that story... dialog comes later, just picture them being there in the story.

That's all I can tell you. No clue if it helps XD

Thank you for reading my story and thank you so much for the comment.
Really happy that you enjoyed ^_^


velvet_embracer November 3 2011, 20:54:20 UTC
Well, I couldn't have said it any better. They're really similar in so many ways. Also, I love how Dean as a mere human could convince a frickin archangel to go on a suicide mission against God!Cas.

Yeah, I don't think the writers are ever gonna allow Dean to be happy. I'm still not gonna forgive them for killing off Gabriel. X( In a way it was beautifully dramatic for him to die like that after he finally got the guts to stand up for what's right, but I miss him tons!
I suppose the fics make up for it. <3

Thank you for the advice! I am quite enthusiastic so that's a good start I guess. Music would definitely help too I think. I never thought about it before. There's tons of ideas in my head and I've noted down a few things. Better get started and see how it all ends up...

I'm counting off the days when the next Trinity will be posted. (Hi, I'm your new stalker! XD)


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