Non timebo mala

Mar 12, 2011 17:13

Title: Non timebo mala
Author: scyllaya 
Rating: NC-17
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, Sam, Bobby and some surprise characters ;)
Spoilers: Up to 6.11, goes AU from there.
Warnings: cursing, graphic sexual content (male/male), bottom!Gabriel
Word Count: ~ 14 000
Summary: Sequel to Dies Irae. Dean and Gabriel prepare to finish what the archangel started while Sam and Bobby search desperately for the older Winchester brother.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Don’t sue me! =D
AN: This is the eighth and final story of my “ Numinous verse”.
Un-betad, sorry for that. Ignore my mistakes please!


Part One

Dean reached wakefulness slowly, like his body and mind was too lazy to let the hazy sleep behind, slowly reaching awareness like some sated animal stretching out sluggishly. He was warm and comfortable. He already recognized the smell of the soft sheets, it reminded him of mint chocolate, but with that unmistakable scent of rain he associated with Gabriel. He stopped giving a damn about how it might look the way he kept wrapping his body around the archangel’s, since there was no one there to see it and it was a really good way to sleep. Well if Gabriel had enough time to stay while Dean slept that is. Now as Dean was slowly waking up he felt as Gabriel was tracing light patterns on the sigil on his back with his fingertips. The angel obviously loved seeing it on Dean’s skin, just like his eyes and fingers always lingered on the pendant Dean still wore around his neck. So Dean just shifted to get even closer, his arm tightening around Gabriel’s chest, his head still resting on his shoulder, his lips softly pressed to the skin of his neck.

‘Slept well?’ Gabriel asked. Dean hummed in response as he buried his face in Gabriel’s neck even more, he was way too comfortable to move and it seemed like the archangel didn’t want him to either. Gabriel’s hand went up from his back and his fingers slid into his short hair and even if it was just a light shift he also pulled Dean a bit closer. That gesture made Dean take a deep breath, he put a kiss on Gabriel’s neck and he pulled himself up, leaning on one elbow so he could look at him. Gabriel looked back and now that Dean saw his face he became aware of the slight tension in him, the way he schooled his face to almost blankness told Dean more than enough.

‘Risking sounding like a cliché’ he started, but he couldn’t make his voice light like he wanted, not really. ‘Everything’s gonna be fine, nothing can go wrong, you thought of everything.’

‘Are you kidding?’ Gabriel reacted. ‘Thousand things can go wrong’ Dean sighed, because the angel was way more anxious than he first thought.

‘Look, I’m doing my best here man, but if you start freakin’ out, I’m gonna freak out too’ he admitted, because he sure as hell won’t be able to keep his cool and resolve if Gabriel didn’t keep his confidence in all this. Then without thinking too much about it he spoke again.

‘Turn around’ he said. Gabriel frowned at him for a second, but then did just that. Dean straddled his hips after he was on his stomach. He put his hands down on Gabriel’s back. ‘And if you mind relaxing so you don’t feel like a piece of rock.’ He added when he pushed his fingers in, because damn he was tense as marble. Gabriel took a breath and he became “alive” under Dean’s hands. The tense stiffness now felt like soft human skin, muscles and bones. He knew for a fact that Gabriel was practically one with his vessel after so many years, completely comfortable in every cell of the body, probably much more than the crusader that said yes to the archangel back in 1148 AD. Dean teased Gabriel that the guy was pretty short for a knight, but the angel just shrugged it off by saying that back in the day he counted as a rather big guy, humans just got freakishly tall in the past millennia.

Dean knew every part of that body now, but he could never tell which small scar or mark belonged to the vessel and which not, the wound where Raphael stabbed him never faded away and Dean knew that it meant that it left a scar on his true self as well. So sometimes Dean wondered about the scars, which belonged to the vessel and which the angel? Gabriel had a very small scar on his right eyebrow, barely visible. There was a scar on the inside of his left wrist, like something burnt him once.  And the most visible were the three gashes on his back, from his right shoulder, across the shoulder blade until his spine. When Dean first saw and asked where they were from Gabriel just looked at him and said that it was ‘ancient history’. Dean was a hunter so he recognized right away that those were claw-marks, but the angel’s face told him not to ask more about it, so he didn’t, he almost dreaded to know what could’ve possibly scarred an archangel like that.

He stroked the skin under his palms, but then started to put force into it, pushing and kneading the muscles.

‘Ok, this is actually pretty awesome’ Gabriel told him and Dean had to smile how much lighter his tone became already. So he continued, stroking his neck and shoulders with sure movements until the muscles relaxed and softened, then he continued on his back. He had to slide down a bit when he finished with the shoulder blades to have better leverage and he just couldn’t resist with all the naked skin just spread out in front of him. So he leaned down and put a kiss on Gabriel’s neck, then once his lips were on the warm skin he didn’t want to pull them away. So he put kisses on his neck and shoulders, mapping it with his lips, tasting. He moved even a bit down, his mouth moving, following the long line of the scars.

‘I was wrong, this is beyond awesome’ Gabriel told him and it made Dean chuckle, but he still didn’t want to tear his lips away from the skin. His hands were roaming Gabriel’s back and sides, stroking skin and rubbing muscles, digging his fingers into flesh. His breath ghosting over the warm skin between kisses, then he had to lean down to kiss where shoulder met his neck, opening his mouth to lick on the skin to suck the flesh between his lips, to graze his teeth over the sensitive place. Dean’s chest was pressed against Gabriel’s back so he felt the small shudder that ran through the angel’s body and it made his breath hitch, his heartbeat rise and made the slow hum of arousal to flare up in his body. He was already hard - not at all surprising with both of them naked and so close to each other - but as heat washed through his body he instinctively rolled down his hips to search for friction. Gabriel hummed in an almost contented way; Dean felt the vibration in his own chest.

‘You want something there, De?’ Gabriel asked. ‘Because I’m game.’

This made Dean stop abruptly, he pushed himself on his arms and looked down at the angel, he was pretty sure that he misheard that.

‘What? Really?’ he breathed, and maybe it was because most of his blood was otherwise occupied that he couldn’t form his question better.

Gabriel didn’t move, but he looked at Dean as he turned his head on to the pillows.

‘I admit that it’s not something I would offer just to anyone, but yeah really’ Dean kept looking at him in a pretty dumbfounded way, which made Gabriel roll his eyes in half-fond, half-annoyed kind of a way, then he moved to turn around so Dean lifted up to give him space. When Gabriel was on his back Dean sat down again and bit on his lips as his dick lined up next to Gabriel’s equally hard member, that didn’t help him to make his mind work better. One of Gabriel’s hands came up to stroke patterns on Dean’s hip.

‘Ok, I know we really hate having “moments”, especially from the chick flick variety’ Gabriel said. ‘But you might recall our disgustingly romantic exchange of love declarations?’ he lifted an eyebrow and Dean grinned. Not just because of the words and how their meaning effected him, but also at the so familiar expression on Gabriel’s face, and that smile he just had to kiss, so he did, parting his lips exploring Gabriel’s mouth. He pushed his fingers in the soft gold-brown locks of the angel’s hair, while he pushed his body onto his, it was still him straddling Gabriel, but they could change that later, now Dean just wanted to feel. He kissed him until he had to pull away so he could take a few deep breaths. For a moment he felt uncertain, because of course he wanted it and Gabriel seemed to be more than okay with it, but it was still something new, another milestone, even if he almost lost count of those along the way, since there was almost no bridge left they haven’t crossed yet. And he also knew that what he felt along with the fire burning under his skin was too huge to simply call it ‘love’, he never wanted it to be gone and it gripped his chest and heart painfully when he thought that he never wanted to lose it. Gabriel pulled him down into a kiss this time and Dean didn’t resist.

‘My soul’ Dean breathed when they parted. ‘You wanted… you wanted to mark my soul too.’

Part 1 continues >>>

verse: numinous, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction, supernatural

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