Dies Irae Part Three

Mar 07, 2011 19:59

Title: Dies Irae (3/4)
Author: scyllaya 
Rating: PG-13
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Gabriel, brief mention of Sam/OFC, Bobby, Rufus
Spoilers: Up to 6.11, goes AU from there.
Warnings: cursing, some mentions of violence, some brief mention of slash and het
Word Count: ~ 8 200
Summary: Sequel to Mala Fide.  Despite how things seem Sam still can’t believe that Gabriel has no ill intentions, so he gets Dean to split up while he heads over to Bobby’s to figure out the truth.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Don’t sue me! =D
AN: This is the seventh story of my “ Numinous verse”. Un-betad, sorry for that. Ignore my mistakes please!


<<< Part Two

Part Three

The “few days tops” as Gabriel so kindly labeled it turned out to be four days. Food always appeared out of thin air, and the hunters reluctantly ate it, after all if Gabriel wanted them dead they would be dead already, he could kill both of them with a snap of his fingers or a wave of his hand, but he didn’t.

No one actually came down during those days, but they always heard some walking and talking from somewhere above them, even loud laughter on one memorable occasion. Bobby grumbled about some damn monsters taking over his house and Sam could understand his sentiment, because they were locked in and they could do nothing about what was going on right above their heads. Sam was seriously considering that he might hate Gabriel more than any of the other archangels, including Lucifer. Bobby told him that Loki was the devil-character in Norse mythology, and that didn’t really make Sam feel any better.

On the fifth day however everything went silent. There were no footsteps, no exchanged words, nothing. Both Sam and Bobby were trying to hear even some small noise, but an hour went by and it was still silent.

Then suddenly they heard someone coming down the stairs and the Panic Room door was yanked open. Sam’s eyes widened when he noticed who opened the door.

‘Rufus?’ he asked.

‘Now you two look like shit’ the hunter commented. Sam was sure that it was true, he for example would’ve done a lot for a shower and a chance to shave, but there were more pressing matters at hand.

‘Is that really you?’

‘I doubt that any members of the monster party would let you go’ he answered.

‘How did you know we were here?’ Sam asked.

‘I sent him a message before I tried to call you’ Bobby said.

‘And you didn’t think you should mention it?’

‘Why? So one of my unwelcomed guests could overhear it, Rufus would’ve landed here with us.’

‘I wouldn’t be so sure of that’ Rufus disagreed as he turned around and started to walk out. Sam and Bobby followed.

The house looked exactly as it did before they ended up in the Panic Room, Sam would’ve expected to find a bigger chaos.

‘Where are they?’ he asked Rufus.

‘Don’t know’ he answered. ‘Yesterday there were a whole lot of them, walking around in the yard and the house, looked like humans mostly, then today as the sun rose they were gone, no sign of ‘em.’

‘Did you see Gabriel around?’ Sam asked.

‘Who the hell is Gabriel?’ Rufus asked in return.

‘Not important’ Bobby interrupted. ‘Whatever it was they were doin’ they’re obviously done with it, so we might want to figure it out what it was and soon.’ Bobby immediately headed to his study, Sam and Rufus followed.

‘Shit!’ Sam exclaimed. ‘Dean!’ he turned around and went to the kitchen to use the phone. He dialed and waited.

“This is Dean, you know what to do.” Came the voicemail and Sam hung up, not sure if a voicemail would reach his brother, if he could reach him at all, he didn’t dare to think of any worst case scenarios just yet.

“This is Dean’s other phone, just leave a massage” was what he heard as he dialed the second number that belonged to his brother. His heart was beating in his chest so vehemently that he was almost concerned that he would pop an artery at any second. His fingers were practically shaking when he dialed the third number. It rang, once… twice.

‘Yeah?’ came Dean’s voice from the other end and Sam breathed in relief.

‘Dean’ he spoke.

‘Oh, hey Sammy’ his brother’s voice was calm and easy, almost cheerful so no matter what happened either it wasn’t big enough for Dean to know, nothing happened yet or just Gabriel managed to keep his brother in the dark.

‘Is… Gabriel with you?’ he asked, because if the answer was yes they were in big trouble.

‘No’ Dean sounded confused. ‘Why? You sound weird.’ Sam was relaxed about the new information, but almost laughed he was so damn tired.

‘Yeah I do, you wanna know why Dean? Because your fucking boyfriend just kept me and Bobby locked up for almost a week!’ it was hard to keep his voice even. There was a heavy silence from the other side of the line.

‘What?’ Dean asked.

‘You heard me right’ Sam answered.

‘What do you mean he kept you locked up?’ he asked and Sam was really getting angry if he needed to spell it out for him, but he also understood while he wanted Sam to be crystal clear.

‘As in we were both tossed into Bobby’s Panic Room and he locked the doors from the outside’ and Dean was silent, as expected.

‘Why would he do that?’ Dean asked then and his voice was hard, even, like he tried to keep all emotions out of his voice and this was exactly what Sam tried to protect Dean from, this moment were everything fell apart.

‘I noticed that something was off about the cases Gabriel helped us with, so Bobby did some research, and I was right. He locked in Bobby when he figured it out and me when I came here.’

‘Figure out what?’ Dean asked.

‘It would be better if we could meet’ Sam answered. ‘Where are you?’

‘Blue Earth, Minnesota’ Dean answered after a beat of silence. It was not far from where Sam told him the “case” was a few days ago, when they split up.

‘Ok, I’m gonna meet you there, but Dean… don’t call him.’

‘Sam… it’s maybe--’

‘Dean, no! If you don’t want to believe me, fine! Maybe you will believe Bobby, but man please, I’m begging you don’t call him, don’t tell him that we talked or anything. Please, trust me’ Sam pleaded, once again there was a long silence from the other line, he could only hear Dean’s breathing as his brother was obviously thinking.

‘Fine’ he said finally. ‘But you’re gonna tell me everything as soon as you get here.’

Sam breathed out in relief again.

‘We will’ Sam promised then he hung up.

Bobby told him that all the research he did was gone. The map where he marked all the towns involved, the newspaper articles, all police records and notes he made. Sam cursed as without those he doubted Dean would be so easily convinced, but Bobby remembered the town names at least so he could draw out the symbol they formed while they headed towards Dean’s location.

It was only a three hour drive, but Sam’s nerves were on edge the entire time, he knew he wouldn’t relax until he saw his brother. Bobby was busy with marking the map and trying to remember the details about the research he did on the way, Sam rode shotgun in Rufus’ truck.

‘And so… you were trapped, why didn’t you call that angel buddy of yours?’ he asked, and Sam huffed out in annoyance.

‘Well, he either couldn’t hear me or he didn’t want to hear me’ Sam answered. ‘But he obviously didn’t show up.’ Sam thought about it, since he had nothing to do in the last days besides thinking. And there was no way for him to know whether Gabriel made it impossible for Sam to be heard or Castiel was simply standing with his brother. He didn’t dare call him since they were out of the Panic Room in case the letter was true. He also feared the possibility that Castiel was gone, or trapped as Sam himself was so he wouldn’t get in the way, but again Sam had no way of knowing, he took the safer path and didn’t utter the angel’s name again.


They met Dean outside of town on road 169. He was standing outside leaning next to the Impala when Rufus' truck stopped. He seemed surprised to see Rufus and he also looked at Sam’s face particularly. And yes, it’s not like he actually had time to shave.

‘Okay, so he’s up in Heaven with Cas’ Dean said. ‘He won’t come unless I call him, so… explain me what the hell is going on?’ Dean said and the way he looked so utterly skeptical at Sam the younger Winchester figured it would be better if Bobby gave him the headlines. They didn’t have time to explain things for hours after all and Dean was probably more willing to take in Bobby’s words without complaining. After all Sam did call wolf too many times so he could get why Dean was weary to believe what Sam might say about the archangel.

It was still painfully obvious how much Dean hated it. How he tried to see things as anything else as they looked like, but there was nothing to do with facts.

Bobby explained how the three towns Sam noticed were just the starting point. How there were six others, all with the same pattern, there were missing or dead people, the signs of supernatural presence, then heavy storms before everything went back to normal. It wouldn’t have been something to draw attention, if it wasn’t for Sam noticing the first triangle, looking at what happened in those town Bobby knew what to look for and how the events played out all lasting for the same amount of time, and how the locations in the end added up a symbol that could not have been a coincidence.

He laid out the map in the hood of the Impala where he drew up the hexagon. It was enormous, covering up almost completely North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, half of Kansas and Missouri and a part of Illinois too. Dean was looking at the map with a frown on his face as Bobby explained how two focus points were still missing from the symbol. He wasn’t able to do any research in the last days, but he was almost sure that one from the two was not finished yet, two points that were the middle of the two main triangles.

‘And with like all symbols, until every detail is in place it’s nothing but pretty, holds no power’ Bobby finished.

‘What are the last two locations?’ Sam asked.

‘One is Greys Lake, Missouri’ Bobby said. ‘And the other is the Devils Lake near Elizabeth, Minnesota.’

‘Yeah the second sounds just theatrical enough’ Sam commented.

‘And fitting’ Rufus said.

‘He’s not the Devil’ Dean said in a low tone.

‘Just his little brother’ Sam murmured.

‘Like every fucking angel in Heaven’ Dean said angrily.

‘Well not every fucking angel is doing magic with a nine state huge symbol, Dean’ Sam told him.

‘Fine dammit!’ Dean growled. ‘We can go to the fucking Devils Lake, while Bobby and Rufus check out the other one!’ he grumbled as he walked to the driver’s side of the Impala and got in, almost slamming the door.

‘Go easy on him’ Bobby warned Sam before he and Rufus walked off to the truck to head down to Missouri. And Sam really didn’t have the urge to lecture his brother, so he just got in and allowed Dean to start driving with music blaring almost at full volume in the car and he didn’t say a word.


They only stopped once so Sam could eat something, otherwise they made the five hour drive in one go. Sam couldn’t really get his brother to talk, but other than looking angry Dean didn’t do anything. Most importantly he didn’t call Gabriel to demand explanations, which was good in Sam’s book, since he was convinced that they would be utterly screwed if the archangel showed up.

The bank of the lake was mostly woods, endless dark green pines on the south side only with a few areas that were free of trees.

‘Maybe, it’s not a bad thing… you thought of that?’ Dean asked as he stopped the engine, it was slowly ticking as it cooled down. Sam just looked at him before he got out. It was astonishing that his brother was still looking for excuses to justify Gabriel’s actions. But Sam knew that it was only the last attempts. The way Dean enveloped himself in silence was a sure sign that he was starting to get what was really going on, not like Sam didn’t expect him to get more emotional about the whole thing later.

Sam walked to the trunk and Dean followed. His brother didn’t say anything when he grabbed the jug of holy oil, but he caught Sam’s wrist when he reached for an angel blade.

‘Dean’ he wanted to make his brother understand.

‘Just… no Sam’ Dean said and Sam put the blade back down. It was stupid, of course, but it was not like any human could successfully knife-fight an angel, and they didn’t even know whether a regular blade could hurt archangels or not. Sam started to walk towards the lake, when Dean spoke again walking behind his brother.

‘Maybe… it’s not something that has to be stopped’ he offered.

‘No, Dean’ Sam said with conviction, not turning back. ‘Whatever this is, we have to stop it. We can’t take chances.’

‘Sam…’ his brother said, but trailed off immediately. The younger Winchester heard how his brother took a deep breath, he thought that it was time for him to accept the truth and Sam hoped this was it. ‘I really wish you haven’t said that’ Dean said and before Sam could turn around and ask what he meant by that he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and everything went black.

Part Four >>>

verse: numinous, pairing: dean/gabriel, fanfiction

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