Mala Fide Part Three

Feb 28, 2011 19:00

Title: Mala fide (3/3)
Rating: NC-17
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Gabriel
Spoilers: Up to 6.11, goes AU from there.
Warnings: cursing, graphic sexual content (male/male), threesome (Dean/Gabriel/Gabriel-copy)
Word Count: ~ 10 300
Summary: Sequel/Prequel to Sum quod sum.  Dean and Gabriel investigate the case of the missing children in La Crosse, Kansas.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Kripke. I’m making no profit whatsoever. It’s just for fun! Don’t sue me! :D
AN: This is the sixth story of my “ Numinous verse”. Un-betad, sorry for that. Ignore my mistakes please!


<<< Part Two

Part Three

By the time Dean and Gabriel arrived back to Dean’s motel it was already morning, and the hunter was almost dead on his feet. Gabriel told him to sleep and that he will be there when he woke up, so Dean did just that.

He didn’t know how much he slept, but when he woke up he was fully rested, he was warm and he really didn’t want to get out from under the soft covers… he blinked his eyes open, because no cheap motel sheets and covers were this soft. It took him a second to take in the view and he was most definitely not in his motel room. He sat up abruptly. It was a pretty nice room. With a huge king-size bed he was currently laying in with deep green sheets, covers and pillows, dark wooden floors with rugs and all types of fur scattered around it. Red brick walls and dark-framed windows, but he didn’t see anything but the bright blue sky and clouds outside. He stood up and walked closer to one of the windows. He was only in his boxers, but the room was warm enough and ever the floor was comfortable to walk on even barefoot.

His jaw almost dropped when he looked outside. The reason why he didn’t see anything in the window was because it was too high up for anything to be seen. Now that he could look outside it was sharp cliffs and endless green mountains that he saw, clouds or fog was covering most of the view but Dean could still see that beyond the deep green color it was endless blue. He figured it might be the ocean, but he had no idea which one. He knew of course that only Gabriel could’ve been behind this.

He walked around the room and successfully found the bathroom, it was huge and had a steam-shower and even if he was tempted to take his time, he showered quickly. He walked to one of the windows as he was toweling his short hair once again trying to take in the view, it was still pretty mind-blowing. He was just standing and staring out when hands landed on his hips and lips brushed his back, kissing the middle of the sigil, he didn’t flinch because he knew the touch all too well.

‘We’re not in Kansas anymore’ he said and it earned him a laugh from Gabriel, who put another kiss on him, this time the back of his neck. Dean tore away his eyes from the landscape and turned around.

‘Where are we? And why are we here?’ he asked.

‘On some island on the south pacific’ Gabriel supplied. ‘It doesn’t actually have a name, because it’s too small and no one lives here.’ Dean frowned.

‘Okay, why are we in a desert island in the South Pacific?’ he asked again, he didn’t ask about the house, because he was talking to an archangel.

‘Because I wanted to come here’ the archangel said. ‘Because there was no case back in town, and because I will barely see you when you catch up with Sam again.’

‘So you zapped us away?’ Dean asked.

‘I figure that normally it takes more than a day to finish up a case, so your brother won’t miss you if I kidnap you for a day or two’ the angel said with a smirk and he tugged Dean closer, his hands still on Dean’s hip. The hunter went willingly and he enjoyed the way Gabriel put kisses on his neck while he thought about it. The case Sam and Bobby were working on wasn’t a big one and it was Bobby himself who sent Dean to La Crosse, and there was no case there, not really. But normally it would have taken at least a few days to close it, so he really had free time, and yes once he was on the road with his brother again Gabriel couldn’t be there all the time. He tilted his head back to give Gabriel more room and the archangel obviously approved as he mouthed at the soft skin, shifting his body even closer to the hunter’s.

‘Okay, I like this plan’ he breathed. His morning wood didn’t even have time to disappear, especially as he was pressed close to Gabriel. The archangel was fully clothed; Dean started to think that he had a thing about wearing clothes while Dean was almost or completely naked. He lost both of the towel he held in his hand and the one wrapped around his waist pretty quickly so his dick pressed tightly into Gabriel’s jeans-clad hip, but he liked the friction nonetheless or maybe because of it. The angel found and pushed buttons on him he didn’t even know existed.

He suddenly there were hands on his ass as he was picked up easily.

‘Shit’ he cursed as he gabbed a hold of the archangel. He really wanted to complain about the chick-treatment, but it didn’t just embarrass him but managed to turn him on instantly, the next second his back hit the mattress and the soft green sheets. Gabriel shrugged his jacket off and was unbuttoning his shirt so Dean sat up and ran his hands up Gabriel’s sides, digging his fingers in to muscles and skin he couldn’t feel just yet. Dean popped the button open on Gabriel’s jeans when the angel tossed his shirt aside. But then he stopped, just watching Dean, he liked being undressedm the hunter learnt that already. So Dean looked up at him with a knowing smile as he pulled the zipper down, he already felt that Gabriel was hard under the layers.

He pushed his fingers under the undershirt to urge Gabriel to take it off and after a moment Gabriel reached down to pull it over his head and toss it away. Dean couldn’t resist leaning forward and cover all the exposed skin in kisses and licks and small bites, while he stroked the angel’s back. Gabriel put a hand on his neck, his thumb stroking Dean’s jaw, then another hand come up to cover his cheek and Gabriel pulled him up while he leaned down to seal their lips together. It was deep and hungry; the angel devoured his mouth like he couldn’t get enough of it. Mapped his lips and stroked his tongue with his own and Dean moaned into it when he was pushed back onto the bed.

Gabriel kept kissing him for long moments it was a slow burn of arousal. Dean stroked the skin he could get his hands on.

‘Dean’ Gabriel whispered to his lips. ‘There’s… something I…’

‘What is it?’ Dean asked, his skin was buzzing with want, but he frowned, it was not like Gabriel to interrupt anything like this to talk.

‘There’s something I’d like to do to you’ Gabriel said and his eyes were darkened by lust, the way he looked down with that hungry look at Dean made the hunter shiver in anticipation.

‘Yeah, ok’ Dean agreed as he tried to drag Gabriel back for another kiss, but the angel resisted.

‘You might want to know what this one is’ the angel told him, Dean was pretty sure that it couldn’t be anything he would not like, him and Gabriel seemed to like the same things way too much. Gabriel was kneeling up again and pulled Dean into a sitting position as well.

‘Seriously, what?’ Dean asked impatiently. Gabriel looked at him for a seconds then he closed his eyes. The hunter wanted to ask him again what was going on, but then he felt a presence behind his back, he will deny the sound that escaped him and he would also swear that he did not jump on Gabriel in reaction. He turned around as much as he could and that’s when he really froze, because it was Gabriel, another Gabriel.

‘What the fuck’s going on?’ he asked and okay he probably had the right to be shocked as suddenly there was two of the one archangel.

‘It’s just me’ the first Gabriel said. ‘I can make an exact copy of myself…’

‘Okay’ Dean said slowly, he had his back to the first, original Gabriel, while the second was in front of him now.

‘When I do this’ it was the copy Gabriel talking, he really was an exact duplicate, no detail was different from the original. ‘I need to divide my awareness.’

‘And I realized after some time’ the first Gabriel continued as he slid up to Dean again, his hands coming up and stroking his sides and stomach in a soothing gesture. His lips were only a breath away from Dean’s ear. ‘That in order to be able to use all my powers on both sides of this awareness…’

‘I also have to be able to receive all sensations as well’ said the copy Gabriel as he crawled a bit closer on the bed. Dean was only slightly tense, but it was quickly vanishing from him as both the touch from the original Gabriel was familiar and the sight of the other Gabriel getting closer to him was too.

‘So when I’m like this’ Gabriel behind him continued. ‘I can both feel you pressed up to me…’ the other Gabriel was now also within touching distance and he leaned closer, putting a kiss on Dean’s neck and when the hunter didn’t object he started mouthing on his throat.

‘And I can feel this too’ breathed the copy Gabriel into his skin and it was still the same familiar kisses and touches Dean knew well so he reacted. He closed his eyes for a second, but despite the touches being familiar it was still two sets of hands on his body and that was not something he was used to, well it being male hands anyway.

‘I stop if you don’t want this’ said Gabriel to his ear, while the mouth mapping his throat and neck traveled further up to kiss just below his other ear, and the next whisper came from that side.

‘But I know that you would love it.’

Dean’s breathing was fastening again. Only the Gabriel sitting behind him was wearing his jeans, the other was completely naked like Dean. The hunter still had his eyes closed and the hands stroking his skin and the mouth tracing delicious lines in all the right places was affecting him, his dick never really had time to completely loose interest and now it was hardening again in rapid speed.

‘No one else could take you like I can’ he heard a whisper again. ‘So let me, I want you so badly like this.’

Dean stifled a moan that wanted to escape his mouth at those words and he was already nodding without his mind really focusing. Then he was being kissed deeply and lips were on the back of his neck too. And it was Gabriel, both kisses were undoubtedly Gabriel, but Dean really couldn’t wrap his mind around it.

‘Stop over thinking it’ said Gabriel in front of him after letting go of his lips, but he never moved back so his lips stayed only a whisper away.

‘Just relax and feel it’ said the other angel. ‘Let go and enjoy the ride, no need to worry’

‘It’s just me’ the words were whispered into his ear and breathed onto his lips at the same time and Dean did what was asked, he stopped thinking to feel. He leaned forward to kiss Gabriel again and he was pulled forward for the kiss to deepen. A second later Gabriel from behind him was gone, but only for a short while and when he slid closer to Dean again, his chest pushed to Dean’s back the hunter felt that he left to get rid of the rest of his clothing.

He openly moaned as he was tightly embraced and pressed up between them. His face was turned and he was kissed this time form behind. Then Gabriel was inching down in front of him his mouth descending, mapping his chest and then taking a nipple in a mouth, biting down just as much as Dean liked it before moving down more. He leaned back on Gabriel’s chest as his breath was coming in short gasps as he knew what was coming, Gabriel always followed the same routine and now just the sheer anticipation had Dean on edge and crazy with arousal, just from the thought of the angel pleasuring him.

He was distracted from the mouth licking at his navel then moving towards his hipbone as lips descended on his neck again. Kissing then sucking on the skin where his shoulder met his neck and then biting down a little, he threw his head back and arched his spine at the sensation the next second lips wrapped around the head of his dick.

‘Oh fuck’ he breathed, he reached back and put his arm around Gabriel’s neck, the one who was behind him. The other Gabriel took him in a bit deeper, tongue teasing the thick head and the slit already slick with pre-come, then sliding down more and sucking on the flesh. Gabriel didn’t keep his hips in place so when he bucked his hips forward a bit his cock easily just slid deeper in Gabriel’s mouth. He still had the other Gabriel’s chest to his back, but after a few moments passed he was moved a bit. He had to lean on Gabriel’s shoulder in front of him, but he didn’t need to think why he was re-positioned, when he felt Gabriel’s hand slide down on his spine right until reaching his hole.

Dean took a sharp breath and he was in no way objecting, Gabriel read his body-language perfectly, but teased the tight ring of muscle with a slick finger instead of pushing in right away like the human wanted him to.

‘C’mon’ Dean panted, but this was when Gabriel in front of him, still enthusiastically sucking him, got a hold of the base of his dick and gave a few strokes. ‘Oh fuck yeah’ Dean groaned and then one finger finally slid inside of him, he immediately pushed back onto it eagerly.

‘Easy there, big boy’ Gabriel chuckled behind him. ‘We have a long day ahead of us; don’t want to wear you out right in the first round.’

His voice was teasing, but his breathing was ragged, he was not unaffected by Dean’s reactions, not by a long shot.

Dean was writhing in-between pushing his hips forward, his dick sliding in and out of Gabriel’s mouth, while he also tried to push back forcing the slick finger deeper inside. The archangel soon gave him more, pushing in a second slick finger. Dean enjoyed the stretch of muscles, the feeling of being spread open like this. Gabriel in front of him took him in completely the moment the other pressed his fingers down onto the hyper-sensitive bundle of nerves within Dean’s body. Dean grabbed hold of both of them, where he could reach, but he didn’t pay attention to where and how he was reaching out, he just let the wave of pleasure wash over him.

‘Oh fuck… more!’ he moaned loudly and Gabriel pushed down onto his prostate again as a reply. There were several things that the archangel really liked and Dean being eager was one of those.

‘You’ll get more, much more’ Gabriel told him before he bit down lightly on his earlobe.

Gabriel in front of him let Dean’s dick slip from his mouth, merely licking at the underside and mouthing on the sensitive skin, before kneeling up again to capture Dean’s mouth. He kept stroking him thought and Dean moaned into the kiss as their tongues met heatedly. The other Gabriel chose that moment to slide in a third finger, stretching the hunter further, making his hole slick and ready for more.

Dean was kissed and stroked and stretched for other torturously long moments and he was starting to reach the point where he was not ashamed to beg, when he was let go and pushed down onto the bed on his back. He opened his eyes when his head hit the pillows and for a second the sight of both Gabriels on the bed with him made him aware of the situation again, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it. One of them kissed him again and Dean reached out to push his fingers in the soft gold-brown hair. The other Gabriel stroked his sides and Dean spread his legs as the hands descended. He felt as the other Gabriel, the one who was not ravishing his mouth, settled between his legs, positioning both Dean and himself. And this time he didn’t have to wait as the archangel was pushing into him a second later.

Gabriel moaned into the kiss, but Dean heard the echo of the same sound, but he just couldn’t keep track of this anymore. He just relaxed his body as Gabriel slowly filled him up with his cock. He stopped for a few moments when he finally bottomed out but then he started to pull back out just as slowly before pushing right back in. Dean would’ve pushed back into it, but he couldn’t really move in the position.

‘Gabriel… more… c’mon… harder’ he panted when his lips were free for a few seconds. The answering sharp thrust ripped out a heavy moan from his throat. He felt as a finger traced his lips and he opened his eyes, amber ones looked back at him.

‘I want your mouth’ this Gabriel said, he too was panting heavily and his eyes were so dark with lust like Dean never saw it before.

‘Yes’ he nodded. ‘Anything’ and it sounded good, he liked having Gabriel in his mouth. Liked tasting him on his tongue, liked the heavy weight and how his lips stroked the flesh while he was sucking him off and mostly he liked the sounds that escaped Gabriel whenever he did this.

They did not turn him over onto his stomach, but Gabriel straddled his shoulder, his dick hard and slick and heavy just in the right position. Dean reached up with his hand, wanting something to grab hold onto as the first Gabriel started to quicken his pace. He grabbed the ass of the Gabriel in front of him, pulling him closer causing him to grab the headboard with both hands to keep his balance and not to fall forward.

Dean licked at the base first, then licking lower his tongue teasing the soft sack, trying to reach forward and suck one of the balls into his mouth gently.

‘Oh Dean, fuck!’ Gabriel cursed; Dean didn’t know whether the other Gabriel echoed it this time again. He let it slip from his mouth and started to mouth at the length until he reached the tip and wrapped his lips around it. He didn’t have the angle to move, but he didn’t have to since the second he swallowed the head Gabriel started to move his hips, fucking his mouth.

He moaned around the hardness in his mouth when the other Gabriel grabbed his hip and angled him into the right position, so he could pound into Dean’s sweet spot with every thrust, of course the vibration made Gabriel moan too and they were both impossibly close to hold out too much longer. A hand closed around Dean’s hard dick and all three movements were completely in sync. And Dean came so hard that he almost blacked out from the white-hot pleasure exploding behind his eyelids. He clenched his muscles down and it dragged Gabriel over the edge too. Both of them came in the same time, one of them coming down his throat, the other filling him up with a few final hard thrusts into him.

Gabriel slipped from his mouth and simply just vanished in a light blue wave. But the remaining Gabriel leaned forward and captured his mouth kissing him deeply. He had both of his hands on Dean’s cheek and he kissed the corner of Dean’s mouth after ending their kiss and then his cheek and his eyebrows. He then slipped out and moved so Dean could put his legs into a more comfortable position.

‘Holy shit’ Gabriel breathed into his neck and Dean agreed with the sentiment.

‘That was freakin’ awesome’ Dean said, but Gabriel just mumbled something into his skin kissing him again. The archangel being the less coherent of them was a serious first. He kept stroking Dean’s chest and sides and his light kisses didn’t stop for a second.

‘You really liked that, huh?’ Dean asked.

‘Understatement’ Gabriel replied.

‘You wanted this for a while now’ Dean realized, because it was obvious for him that it was something the archangel really wanted to happen now.

‘You have no idea’ the angel told him as he put a kiss on Dean’s collarbone before he leaned up on an elbow to be able to look at the hunter. Dean looked at him for a second.

‘Why didn’t you ask earlier then?’ Dean asked.

‘I just… wanted you… us to be comfortable enough before I pulled any… “inhuman” thing out of the repertoire.’ Dean looked at the angel searchingly and suddenly the events of the last days all came down on to him. It just clicked together.

‘You were testing me’ he said.

‘What?’ the angel asked.

‘You were testing my limits’ Dean said again and surprisingly he didn’t even feel the light trace of anger, maybe he was just too blissed out. ‘The asking me to trust you, the dragging me over to the Traveler’s and now this… you…’ he stopped, it was more than that. Not just testing the waters they were beyond that, they had some pretty serious things behind them. It was Gabriel showing more of who he was. ‘This is you taking things further’ he concluded. Gabriel shifted his eyes away and Dean caught a glimpse of nervousness in his gaze before it was schooled away.

‘I want you to know who I am’ the archangel said then, but still looking away. ‘And I want you to still want me… after you know.’

He looked back at Dean again and the hunter couldn’t tear his eyes away from the amber ones looking at him. It was such an honest expression and he knew, better than anyone how hard it must be for the angel to open up, to lay everything out on the table and hope for the best. Dean knows how much he feared to do that always and now as he was looking at the archangel, it hit him, right in the head like a sledgehammer, like a fast train rolling him over. It caught his breath and made his chest ache, but not in a bad way and he knew, it washed over him forcefully. He loved him.

He loved him… trickster, archangel… no, Gabriel… just Gabriel.

The next second Gabriel kissed him again, held his face in his hands and kissed him deeply and slowly and didn’t let go of his lips for long moments. After they parted the archangel smiled down onto him.

‘I love you too’ he said.

‘Wha--’ Dean’s eyes widened, but Gabriel hushed him.

‘No, I didn’t read your mind’ he assured the hunter. ‘But remember what I told you about intense emotions reaching me through my sigil on you.’ He was smiling while he spoke and Dean smiled back and laughed after a second.

‘Okay, we had our moment’ the hunter said a second later. ‘That was my limit, you got any food around here?’ Gabriel just grinned at him before he simply snapped his fingers.

End of Story Six

Story Seven >>> Dies Irae

A/N 2: I will be very busy this following weeks so I don't know when I'll find time to write. I hope this last chapter compensates for that. Hope you liked it, please give me some feedback :)

verse: numinous, pairing: dean/gabriel, spoiler, fanfiction

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