May 23, 2004 22:11
Okay, so when it's raining out, what do you do in your spare time? Read? Watch TV? Dance around wiht an umbrella singing? Okay so maybe that last one's just Gene Kelly and my grade nine English teacher, but you get my drift.
What at nine thirty when there's thunder, lightning and pouring rain?
On a scale of one to ten, how likely do you think it is that you'll go out into the thundrstorm and set off fireworks? Now I'm not talking professional calibre fireworks but those mildly stupid spark ones that basically send of single sparks at a time straight up into the air. You must have seen them. They're completely boring to watch and I've never understood why anyone would buy something that sends a single red glowing dot up into the sky, then another, then another. It's as interesting as watching stoplights change. Only less so.
Now two people, (get that . . . two) did this in the pouring rain, surrounded by tall trees with lightning clearly visible nearby. I mean, it's bad enough that they're stupid enough to risk being hit by lightning, but who stands around in the rain to watch those damn individual sparks?
In musical news, I got to hear the guest concertmast for the National Ballet's orchestra. She. Sucks.
I know, some of you out there are asking if I play violin and how I can possibly judge her. Well, my response is this: He *you* ever heard "The Four Seasons" played off-tempo, off-key and flat? When you have get back to me on this. She played the wrong *notes* half the time for cryin' out loud! Naturally, because there was a work of choreography attached to this the dancing sucked. How could it not? When you're having to do a hop, skip and a jump every couple of steps just to rematch yourself to the piece how can you even begin to concentrate on being in line or anything with the other dancers?
Things naturally picked up a great deal after she left. It meant the other two pieces of the triple bill were way better danced as well as played.
On the marketing front, I saw that they have yet to stop selling the "Sexy Rexy" boxer briefs. What are those? Well, since this has been Rex Harrington, premier danseur, OC (Order of Canada)'s last season, they've been marketing the hell outta him. So they even had an autograph session where they sold the boxer briefs and t-shirts and had him sign them. Dad thought it might be interesting if someone asked Harrington to sign the inside of a pair so that they could say he'd had his hand in their shorts.
Not an ugly thought mind, he's really quite handsome. Tall, dark and drool-worthy. Really. He's not some funny-looking Baryshnikov imitator. Now all they have is Aleksandar Antonijevic for masculine company eye candy. And that name just isn't nearly as marketable is it? I mean, Ryan Boone is hot, but he's not as good a dancer.
Now it's a countdown until it's time for Martine Lamy's big final season. Then we're out of stars. I really have to wonder what they'll do then.
my day,