Jul 03, 2005 12:56
omg..i leave in less than a week...out plane leaves friday at 10:15 am. im sooooo excited! no parents for 10 days..wow.could not be more excited! and there are only a select few of people i am actually gunna miss when im gone..but thats where cell phones come in handy. practice was hard on saturday..holy shit.i thought that they were gunna get easier..2 more practices then were off...wow..it seemed so far away when we started talkin bout it..and now its less than a week away. there are 8 strait days of tournament with a MINIMUM of 12 games which means there could be more..ima be so tired.
fuki its down to 2 :( how sad..
well nd bball is good were 8-0 so far.heck yes..