May 05, 2008 16:13
I've been over at my other place posting pretty regularly, but since I shared the whole cancer-no cancer story about my father here, I thought I would take a moment to update. Dad continued to have some problems with pain and other issues, so he went to the Mayo Clinic at the end of March. After a bunch of tests and some invasive procedures to take care of a problem with his stent, the doctors told him that Dr. Negative was right after all and that he had pancreatic cancer. Just one of the very rare folks who live more than the normal 3 to 18 months after diagnosis. We were all hoping he'd break the record for survival with that cancer, but he started to have more issues and about a week and a half ago was told that his liver was shutting down and he had two to three weeks left. I hopped a plane the next day and have been in Colorado since. He died this morning.
I won't go into all of the details of the past week and a half, but by the end we were all ready for him to go to what would no doubt be a better place for him. His passing was peaceful and quiet. I had been staying with my stepmom at the hospice and didn't hear him go. He just stopped breathing.
I certainly was not ready for him to leave, but I'm glad his pain is over.