Rambling and ranting

Sep 10, 2009 10:19

I had an awesome dream last night. Hobbes was alive, and I found a huge stash of money under the seat of my car. I woke up pissed off, and with a giant cold sore on my bottom lip. Hooray.

Obama's speech last night was quite moving. I'm still skeptical, since anything involving policies and new laws or money or pretty much anything with the government takes fucking FOREVER with all the haranguing back and forth and bickering about WHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR THIS and everything else that goes along with lawmaking. All I can say is that I'm really tired of falling through the cracks. I can't find work, so I can't get employee provided health insurance. Nor have I ever had it, due to the high cost. And because I am married and my spouse makes too much for me to qualify, I can't get government aid. Eric's health insurance is too expensive for us to add me to the plan. The cost for one individual isn't so bad-it's like $15-20 a week- but if you add anyone else, you get bumped to the 'family plan' and that is about $150 a week. So right now, I don't even have catastrophic insurance in case my appendix ruptures or I get hit by a semi or anything. Meanwhile, I've got a problem with my back that causes some seriously funky, intense pain that I can't get looked at, I need new glasses because mine are almost five years old, and I need dental work out the ass. None of this will be addressed until something with our health care changes.

My ability to get health care is not the only thing that is being affected. We tried to use the CARS rebate system to get a new car. We did not qualify, NOT because my jeep didn't meet the requirements or anything. No, it was because the person trading in their vehicle had to be the one getting the financing, and my credit is so bad that they would have laughed me out of the building if I even tried to, or I would have had such a laughable interest rate that it would have not been worth it.

And WHY is my credit so bad? Why, medical bills, of course! In the past seven years or so, I've had to go to the emergency room twice, a walk in clinic because I had an evil death flu, and an internal medicine doctor because I had PID. I could not pay any of these medical bills, of course, and so now they are ruining my credit. Add to that my mom taking out a couple of credit cards in my name when I was 19, and you see my dilemma. I've never even bloody USED my credit for my own benefit, save for buying my jeep, and it's pretty well destroyed.

I suppose I could have not gone to the walk in when I was sick, but my boss told me I better come back with a doctor's note stating that I was in fact too sick to work (I had to stay home on Black Friday, and they were REEEAAAALLYY pissed) or I wouldn't have a job to go back to. And I could've not gone in for PID, but I could have died from that. And I didn't NEED to go to the emergency room when my back was messed up, though the idea of not being able to sleep for days on end, writhing in utter agony was pretty unappealing. Or the time I went in because my heart was making a freaky, audible POPPING noise when it would beat...I mean, I must've not needed to go, because they didn't find anything wrong with me, even after an EKG. They were going to do more tests, but then I let slip that I was uninsured and broke, and suddenly I'm being discharged, with them telling me that they can't find anything, and it's probably nothing to worry about.

Does that seem right to you?

I'm tired of riding the 'it's not fair! woe is me!' horse here, but seriously, this really ISN'T fair. it's not fair to me, or anyone else that this happens to. When is it going to change? Do I need to find a way to move to France or Great Britain in order to be seen by a goddamned doctor? When can I go to the dentist to get my broken teeth fixed so I can smile again without thinking everyone is staring at me, looking at the missing teeth? when will I be able to say 'I don't feel right. I should go get checked out, just in case it's something serious' ? I've been to a gynecologist exactly ONCE in my life. Last I heard, you're supposed to do that every year, right? IT's been so long since I've had a physical that I don't even remember when the last one I had even WAS. I've even kicked around the idea of filing for divorce, strictly because then I would be able to qualify for government medical care. This idea is rather unappealing, as well.

When will I be able to relax, and know that if anything DOES happen to me and I need medical care, I'll be able to get it?

Yeah. Today is fired.
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