Dec 14, 2004 07:03
So my life officially sux bc I check my email right before I leave work yesterday and I get an offer for the parking job. DAMN IT I really want the job but now I have to tell them I already accepted the personnel offer and all bc they waited to long to make a decision or if they could of done it a week earlier that would of been nice. My mom thinks I should go to my director and explain to him how I really want it due to the enviroment, pay, and they would let me take classes during the day if needed. But I think everything happens for a reason for whatever. Also I really do like the personnel office it has grown on me and Najama (my supervisor) and I get along sooooo well. I would not give up a great supervisor/employee relationship that we have for the chance of things not working out at parking.
Went to hang with the Princess when I got home she cheered me up by taking me to Wendy's for dinner bc my ride home sux bc my aunt is pathetic then we just hung out .*).
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Mine has started great already
Sunshine get some rest and your body back on track xo.