Stanhopia, Stanhopia unto to thee we shall sing!

Nov 09, 2004 15:00

I think I may take up pipe smoking instead. I've got the hat, Barbour jacket and the wooly jumpers. All else I'll need are some Labradores.

Well there's a birthday present idea for you kids.

Now what shall I do for it?

I am also sick and tired of the Laboruite government. therefore I have drafted a letter to Whitehall in a formal capacity informing them of the secession of my flowebed and of the formation of a new state which in the interim period is now The Most Serene Republic of Stanhopia.

Join me in this act! Free yourselves. Passports and pisspots will be issed and the name of the state can be chaneg. As I say it's only an interim feature.

I feel a bit better now and I even feel up to some light sociabilising tonight.

Anyone got suggestions.

Also figg called at silly o' clock last night. I hope it wasn't anything important as I was out of cridity thing.

bad humour

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