Nov 17, 2009 22:39
After a long day at school and learning some old school slang....xD
My friend got her phone broken. Her BRAND NEW phone. My friends and I can be very cruel to each other, but power ranger man was very cruel today my friends!
My friend was showing us her new phone when my other friend comes up to us and goes:
Power ranger xD - "MIGHTY MORPHING POWERS GO! -smacks phone to the ground-"
Friend with phone - "O______________________________________________________O!!?!??!?!?!?!?! WTF DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?! YOU SUN OF A (@*#&$)( @$&)($@& $&*(#$*(& AN DD @()$& @#$)(*# $)(#$)( #$)(*$#*)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Me - "n.n You best start running boi~!"
My poor friend xD when her phone fell her screen broke, and I don't think she can get a new one yet >->
If I was her I would be pissed off too lol.
After I got home I awaited to go to ROP with my Adam & Courtney :3
Which is always fun messing around with them in web design x3 There last assignment is to make a music video staring them :D How fun it will be to see my friends do music videos to such classics as! Numa Numa! Caramelldansen! And Jizz In My Pants!
XD I can't wait to randomly pop up in each of them...
:3 Well that is all for today. Just wanted to update a little. (And try to post every single day for the rest of the month lol)
I'm off to bed <3 Ta Ta~!