this article is getting pinged everywhere, but check it out... i find the last paragraph particularly interesting. i looked at the digital music revolution as a positive thing, a kind of great equalizer, if a tad sudden. finally, mtv schlock and bands corporations try to pass off as rock would be exposed for what it is: avoidable, and now instantly recognizable. it really does take a lot of the guess work (and leg work) out of music appreciation. but its true, i know a lot of us (myself included) have been looking for that next best thing, all the time. we all jumped on Black Kids, some of you even dug MGMT, all the bloggers' darlings, and we're already forgetting about them. it really is like watching porn, never wanting to hear exactly the same thing. we all have go-to records, classics that will never die, but 70% of our current tunes won't live long enough to become those classics by the time the third album rolls around (if ever it does).
"So if I were to just lay in silence
And see if you would take control
These stones below me then may become violent
And they will wrestle me, pester me, mess with me
Just tryin' to free your soul
Speak to me and don't speak softly
Talk to me and let me know
Grab hold of my shoulder and tell me
Grab hold and do not let go..."
- The Raconteurs